I work in the NHS our small team is responsible for combating the spread of infectious disease right across the trust. I've been in the job a number of years and without doubt the last 6 months has been the quietest on record by a long way. We are currently doing less than ...
25% of what we normally would.
While there may have been a brief flurry of activity back in March most of this was proactive work to ensure we weren't whelmed by the expected wave of Covid. It turns out we needn't have worried we coped easily. Staff across all disciplines have..
been sat idly for months on end while waiting lists grow. The 2 major hospitals in the trust do not have a single Covid patient between them, not one. The only people who appear to be busy are the middle management types who are endlessly rearranging working patterns and...
practices to safeguard 'vulnerable' staff. A can't work with B who can't do their usual roll so C must cover untill next week when it'll all change again.
Was called into a meeting first thing this morning to be told we were advertising for more staff to help us cope with the...
2nd wave through the winter. I am constantly told there is no money for basic equipment yet we are going to double our workforce as it has been decided the 2nd wave is coming. Of the staff who have tested +ve for CV19 that I have spoken to the majority are adamant that they ...
had it before Christmas (as am I).This would have made March/April the 2nd wave. They will get away with forcing a 2nd lockdown on us over the winter if some prominent figures within the NHS don't find the balls to start speaking up.
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