Letter from @GMB_union to @trussliz is all over the place

A GRC changes someone's legal *sex*
What does a GRC have to do with any of this?

They don't say
There is no such thing as a "Gender Identification Certificate"

Did anyone even proofread this thing?

My confidence in the seriousness of their legal analyisis is falling
Barriers are significant 🙄

The GRC requirements:

1. Medical diagnosis (don't you want people to have medical diagnosis for such a major change?)

2. send in 5 or 6 documents over 2 years, bills, wage slips in your new name
"the majority support the principle of self-declaration"

?? Oh really?
In fact the survey says the exact opposite. Only 16 percent of people think someone should not have to obtain doctors approval

And similar for evidence of 2 years living in new gender
On say it would be a "seriously regressive and discriminatory step" to allow women and girls to undress with a clear assurance that single sex spaces mean single sex and not gender self ID.

There is no sign they have considered women and girls here
1. They give no evidence for risk of violence

2. Why not advocate for unisex alternatives. Its not rocket science.
Thats not what the Equality Act says @GMB_union
"Studies" .... by which they mean a Stonewall commissioned piece of propaganda which did not give female users of women's services an opportunity to speak.

Make professionals fear for their jobs and then interview them. They will give you the answers you want to hear.
This is what female survivors said https://fovas.wordpress.com/response-to-stonewall-2/
How is a change to the administrative process for someone to change their legally recorded sex "medical best practice"

What has it got to do with LGB equality?

These are meaningless statements
They have given no evidence. Not one scrap. That the current GRA process impacts on the safety of trans people.

They have given no evidence. Not one scrap, that they have considered the interests of women
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