Today is the 67th anniversary of the 1953 Iranian coup.

so here’s a thread on the vital - and often overlooked - 🇬🇧 role.
Summer 1951: 🇬🇧 launches subversive campaign to undermine and replace Mossadeq
Autumn 1951: lots of 🇬🇧 bribery going on.

Tight ministers hope the oil company would reimburse them!
Early 1952: 🇬🇧 tries to replace Mossadeq with another candidate, Qavam, (inc by bribing politicians to support him).

It failed.

🇬🇧 lamented not recognising the power of the “psychoneurotic” mob
Oct 1952: 🇬🇧 informally raise coup idea with 🇺🇸. Dismissed.

Too risky + 🇺🇸 (rightly)wondered if 🇬🇧 were playing them.

Dec 1952: 🇬🇧 more formally raise coup idea with 🇺🇸. Dismissed (again)

Too risky... could split Iran and draw in Soviets
🇬🇧 tries to convince 🇺🇸

- but but but what about the communist threat??
- but what if Venezuela followed suit and nationalised its oil???
- what if Iraq or Saudi Arabia did??
Feb 1953: 🇬🇧 get cold feet and run down covert action

“an underhand action of uncertain effectiveness and doubtful morality”

(But #MI6 quietly continue to press #CIA)
March 1953: 🇺🇸 ready to discuss possible coup

Oh hello!!

June 1953: plan sent to Whitehall
Aug 1953: 🇬🇧 still closely involved.

Handed over agents; offered to disable iranian comms; BBC covertly sends message to convince Shah that the plan is on.
@foreignoffice loses nerve. Cables #MI6 in Cyprus:

“We must regret that we cannot consider going on fighting”

MI6 arrange for a “failure of communications” and don’t get the message
#CIA was greatful for help but knew MI6, as the junior partner, “had nothing to lose if the cause had been pressed to ultimate failure and disclosure”

#MI6 revelled in the success, lording it over the cautious @foreignoffice
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