
There is a fundamental incoherence in insisting on the one hand that a community physically attending sporting events is vital for that community and on the other insisting that of course you support social distancing to prevent community transmission.
We reduce community transmission by reducing contact in a community. It’s ghastly, but there it is. We just have to take that hit.

But then the whatabouts start.
“But what about mass...” You have to book, and you’ll be physically kept distant. That happening on every pitch side? Sure? No? There y’are.

“But what about cafés...” Contact tracing, restrictions, booking, distancing. As above. We also need some semblance of an economy going.
“But what about masks...” - It’s masks *and* social distancing: both, not either/or. You been doing both? In shops, elsewhere? Yeah, well, there y’are.

“But what about schools...” - By God, but “think of the children” dropped down the priorities fast enough when it suited.
“But what about DP/meat factories” - Not general community transmission because tight, identifiable clusters. And being successfully managed as such. The increase in starting to kick off elsewhere.

And yet it keeps going, it all boiling down to: but why can’t I have *my* thing?
We reduce community transmission by reducing contact in a community.

That means prioritisation. What contact is allowed is rationed; the most important get it first, the least last.

Schools, food, some economic activity; they are more important than sports, they get it first.
Strictly-controlled religious services? Religion is in the Constitution and the ECHR. Watching sport isn’t. Prioritisation answers this one.

The *Courts* are vastly more important than watching sport. Contact time to claw back delays on criminal trials or watching sport? Courts.
Playing sport is more important than watching. You don’t get a cardiovascular benefit leaning over a fence telling a corner-back he’s soft *and* filthy.

Playing sport gets some contact time, well ahead of watching sport.
Going to matches is fun, but at the heel of the hunt, it’s not even the core function of sporting governing bodies. Their core function is getting people *playing* the sport, not watching it.

It’s nice, but far from a necessity.
And then, left last, is not a whatabout but a but.

“But I thought we were done, and it’s hard.”

Well, yeah. It *is* hard. It is hard, but we got sloppy, dropped our guard and it came back. We just have to do it, tears never fixed anything, so let’s just get on with doing this.
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