Please read this: highlights the quiet devastation and desperation of families caring for the disabled during the crisis
Keep in mind for the heart-breaking and appalling situation the Spinks find themselves in, they’re one of the lucky ones. They seem to have kept their carers- many families have had no carers at all. Have been forced to juggle care with full time work
Also remember at peak of crisis 60pc of all deaths were of disabled people. Women of working age with disability were 11x more likely to die than other women. (6x for men)
Meanwhile the government took away councils’ legal responsibility to provide care needs of children
And thousands of children who were entitled to go to school because of EHCPs (as Boris said) were denied it
Meanwhile thousands of charities that provide care are in dire state and will be unable to provide the respite and help for disabled people the once did (and there weren’t enough places before the crisis anyway)
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