I shared my concerns about the idea with @LeahGazan. I've shared many of those on here in the past.

But something happened in this phone call that was different than all the other times I've spoken with people who are proposing some form of UBI.
In the past the proponents of UBI I've dealt with have been men and in particular young white abled men.

Me: What about the additional costs and specific programs that are essential for disabled people's extraordinary costs.

Them: A bump-up.
Me: They vary & can be major.
Them: Oh well. It'll be fine. No worries. Just sign.
Me: But...
Them: OK so you're a reactionary.

The details varied but the conversations almost all went like this. If they even lasted that long.
But first of all @LeahGazan called me because she'd seen my tweet saying I had concerns. She listened. She understood. She'd also done her homework. She'd knew there were worries in the disability community about protecting the other essential programs.
. @LeahGazan had numerous lengthy discussions with @AllenMankewich and spoke very highly of him (I share that high opinion of Allen).
As someone who has previously done grassroots community organizing in the past, I recognized I was speaking to someone who had a lot of experience
People who have never done grassroots community organizing don't understand the work and skill that goes into it. Among the things I learned: do your research & spend serious amount of time engaging with credible people who know their community's concerns.
Check ✅
Check ✅
So @LeahGazan explained that in the actual motion - which is different than the petition that is circulating, #5 is intended to ensure it's understood as part of a larger social policy framework. Not a replacement, an addition. https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/leah-gazan(87121)/motions/10852236
So then our conversation shifted to my concerns about all the ways that this could go so wrong in the hands of a neoliberal government.
I get extremely frustrated when speaking to members of the left, particularly the bros. There is a naïveté or over-confidence or something
They're just so damn certain their brilliant idea can't be corrupted. You just know they leave the windows open and the back door unlocked. It's like 'nothing bad will ever happen.' I think they think they can win with 'reason.'
Finally everyone will appreciate their genius. IDK
Anyway, I just can't even with them. It's not my life experience. It's not the world I live in and know.

But today was different. Like one of those profound moments that just make you suck in air and hold it. I call them truth moments. They feel different.
Honestly Twitter my eyes are filling up as I type this. It's kind of moment you relive every time you remember it.
. @LeahGazan who had spoken eloquently about how disability rights are human rights and had answered all my questions knew that it came down to trust: I understand. I'm an Indigenous woman in Canada. I know a lot about broken promises by government. I know what I'm asking of you.
I wish I could remember all her words and I wish I'd taken notes or recorded it or something. But I will never forget her saying: I understand broken promises.

The history.
The power.
The determination and courage and sheer will that carried those words to my ear.
Going in with eyes open, vigilant, acknowledging risk, doing your best to prepare, and knowing that just not trying is not an option. I understand that conversation. Now we having a real one.
In an environment like govt where change is code for cuts, reform is code for cuts, innovate is code for cuts...every one of those means taking a risk.

But we must risk because we must live.
I just don't take risks with people who don't understand the risks. I believe she does
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