A THREAD// My experience with soft discs
okay so for starts, this is how they look. They look similar to condoms except they’re about 3 inches in diameter and the ring is pretty firm. I’m gonna tell y’all how to put them in and take them out and all that good stuff. Don’t worryyyy
If you prefer a softer ring, flex discs are available. They look exactly the same only the ring is black. You can find both on Amazon (Soft disc - 10.99) , (Flex disc - 14.99) with the flex disc price varies based on quantity. So if you want more it’ll increase a little
There’s also a subscription but why do that when you can just get them on Amazon?
HOW TO PUT THEM IN. (I’ll include pictures)
- what you’re going to do is SIT. They’re not like tampons they don’t stay in your vaginal canal (this is useful information ladies and gents) so once you’re sitting or in a low squat SQUEEZE THE SIDES TOGETHER.
Once you squeeze the sides, you’re going to insert it HORIZONTALLY not vertically like a tamp but horizontally and you’re going to push it back toward your tail bone and tuck it behind your pubic bone. Like in the pictures. Once it’s in you shouldn’t be able to feel it
- so to get it out, all you’re going to do is stick your finger in, and grab the rim and just pull it down and out. It will be messy so if you don’t like blood on your hands it’s okay to wear examination gloves.
some things you guys should know :
- they last for up to 12 hours ( if you’re a heavy bleeder it might leak a little)
- you can do ANYTHING with these in
and you won’t feel them
- you CAN have sex with a soft disc if you’re one of the girls or guys who like period sex
- if you happen to leak a little while pooping it’s okay, just readjust. It’s going to shift bc you’re bearing down on your pubic muscles
- if you can feel it, also readjust. Literally the first usage takes 3 tries to get it right 😭
They are disposableeeeee but you can just wash and reuse if you want tbh.
I deadass ordered these yesterday cuz I started yesterday night band they came this morning and that’s when I put it in. It took me one try so yay meee. I did wear a pad for extra caution because I am a heavy bleeder on my second day
So if you’re a heavy bleeder it will fill up quickly and spill a little bit. I couldn’t feel it at all. Like I’m literally sitting and I can’t feel anything. Unlike tampons where you can feel them doing whatever. I haven’t tried to poop yet tho 😭😭😭
You can swim, take showers or baths and not worry about a fight with gravity or anything so I like that. I’m not one for period sex so I won’t be trying that 😭😭. I personally just wash the one I use with warm water because it can’t tell how long it’s been in there 😭 soooo
I think that’s it! Overall I really like them and I find that it kind of makes my period lighter but it’s probably because it catches blood right at the base of the cervix and it doesn’t run down my canal.
If you’re like me and bleed heavily, don’t be scared, just wear a panty liner or a pad (I prefer a pad) in case it over flows. Other than that, 10/10 would recommend !! good luck!!!
Oh here are the links and some videos you can watch if you’re unsure:
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