Here’s the thing about pandemics. No one REALLY knows the perfect solution. Even the best countries have dealt with it and their people have laughed at or scoffed at their leaders. The Chinese literally ripped people out of cars and barricaded them in their homes.
They’re not new... pandemics have happened since the beginning of time. It’s natural to get super bugs every few years. That’s how natural selection really works. Why not cut each other some slack. To some it’s scary. To others it’s life.
To somehow think that humans are above nature is beyond me. Whether it’s wearing a mask and distancing or running around free as a bird - no one really truly has the answer. Cut each other some slack.
Also, to blame it on someone who literally has nothing to do with the cause or the spread of the disease in order to incite hate is absolutely atrocious. If you know better than him then do better. Be better.
At the end of the day we are all just a bunch of big dumb animals just trying to survive and maybe learn a thing or two. It doesn’t make you right just because you THINK. Hell, most of us can’t even keep a long term relationship let alone solve the real problems and questions.
So many people are too busy punching holes in each other’s hearts and minds before taking a second to actually LISTEN to one another. Truly listen with an open mind. Too many people walk around with their hands over their eyes and ears refusing to look around.
The truth is WE DONT KNOW. And maybe that’s the real problem. Too many people are scared because they don’t know so they’re willing to believe what someone tells them because at least it’s a possible answer even if it isn’t the truth.
They’ll take the scary answer or the easy reach answer because it means they don’t have to do any of the actual learning themselves. It means they don’t have to research and actually have their own fully formed and potentially challenged ideas.
The real pandemic right now is FEAR. Your news stations thrive on it. Their ratings soar! Your politicians thrive on it, their wallets are stuffed. YES people are sick. YES, people are dying - but these aren’t new problems for mankind and it will happen again.
What are we willing to do right now to actually be better? Maybe pick up a book. Watch something that ISN’T this seasons Netflix documentary recommendation. Find something unique that actually challenges your beliefs. Test life for yourself and stop being jerks to your neighbor.
You can follow @cofemtscarnivor.
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