Similarly the way Gulf tristed Mew?? I mean being new to the industry and being paired with someone who has experience, Gulf must have heard things, people might have told him to be careful with Mew but he really didn't pay any of them attention +
Since day one Gulf really saw the good in Mew, his first impression of Mew was "what a great guy." And after few weeks of meeting Mew Gulf said that Mew will protect him. It's remarkable how Gulf really didn't care what others had to say and trusted Mew +
Even tho Gulf was an introvert he too wanted to get to know Mew in his own way. He opened his heart to Mew, they unknowingly made a space in each other's hearts and became the most important person in their lives. They talk to each other whenever the other is feeling down +
As an introvert I can say that I would never spend my energy fighting with someone I don't care about. MewGulf fight, because they want the other to understand them and that happens when you only care what the other person think of you +
They didn't realise it but mewgulf were attracted to each other since day 1, attracted to each other's personality, their quirks, their habits, they cherished each and everything about each other. If this isn't true love then I really won't believe in love anymore.
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