1. #COVID19 vaccines. Astra Zeneca version.

(Operation warp speed)

1. "Acceptable safety profile". Are you prepared to be injected with potential toxins, bearing in mind history of Vaccine mismanagement and risks?
2. 2. Requires two doses, will not *prevent* severe disease, you will probably suffer symptoms and they have no idea how long "protection" will last. So, you are basically accepting an injection, twice, that could have dangerous side effects, will make you feel sick...

3. ..., has not been correctly tested (10-15 years is standard approval time), will not prevent the disease and possibly will only protect you for limited time, no mention of what to do if virus mutates which it inevitably will.

#Covid_19 Vaccine scorecard.
4. 3. Vaccine is unlikely to be any use for over 55s. The highest risk sector.

Remind me again why vaccines should be mandatory, why you will only be allowed to travel, get loans, go back to work etc etc IF you agree to being poisoned with no fringe benefits?

James Corbett report:

7. "The WHO has made a handy-dandy guide on how to debate vaccine deniers. Today on #PropagandaWatch, James delves into the document and examines its ideas."

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