I’m at Colonel Summers. It’s dark. People seem more energized than last night. On my way here, every TV I could see was tuned to the Blazers game. The city feels alive, even if most businessss aren’t.
Someone on a megaphone said we’re leaving in 5-10 minutes.

RICHARD UPDATE: He’s here. Now it’s real.
Speaker asks if the crowd has noticed how “on edge these motherfuckers (cops) are right now.” They agree.
We’re marching!

We’ve arrived at the county building on the corner of SE Grand and Hawthorne.
A streetcar operator just raised his fist in solidarity. The crowd is firmly situated on Hawthorne with some folks spilling across Grand.
Plenty of passing cars are honking in support. It feels like there are more and more potential threats each night, so every little bit of support makes me feel better.
We’ve got a dumpster fire on 6th!
There are other small trash fires being set in the vicinity of this very large brick and concrete building.
A protester passes me and yells, “Property cannot experience violence!”
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