1/5 On Friday, amidst unprecedented high #Covid19 numbers, 🇱🇧 goes into partial lockdown. The plan is to restrict unnecessary crowding, while causing minimal disruption to repair activities post explosion, and to air travel. The aim is to regain control. Three issues will be key:
2/5 Will the public comply with the safety measures? In the past, some have found ways to bypass the rules. Parties (Faqra, beaches), weddings, and funerals were reported. This can thwart any public policy. The authorities cannot be everywhere. The public has to be responsible.
3/5 Six months after the start of the pandemic, the number of beds available to #Covid19 patients in private hospitals is not clear. For them, this extra burden can precipitate financial ruin. An agreement with guarantors on a fair and timely compensation is badly needed.
4/5 Yesterday, the number of tests performed was a record. Can increased testing lead to better surveillance and in turn better control. Without coordination and direction, the efforts by laboratories is less effective. Testing should be a part of a clear surveillance strategy.
5/5 There is a financial, not to mention a psychological, cost for two weeks of partial lockdown. The ultimate aim is to avoid a mounting number of patients requiring, but not finding, hospital beds. We have lost enough lives recently, we should not lose more.
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