1. Suggestive programming:

The Democrat National Convention is happening right now. Have any of you noticed literally every news anchor and their "Special Guests" keep referring to Joe Biden as the last of the "Old Guard"?

And, they're saying the New Guard is people like AOC.
2. This is called "getting in front of it" or "damage control". The media is using tonight's Democrat Convention to make people familiar with this "Old Guard" term, to soften it. That way, people will falsely believe it's just referring to "old" Joe Biden.

How wrong they'll be!
3. They won't understand that the term "Old Guard" is actually used by PATRIOTS and historians to refer to outdated, dictatorial, monarchical, suppressive or archaic ways of governing.

Today's [Old Guard] is the criminal, deep state cabal...which INCLUDES Joe Biden.
4. "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide NEW GUARDS for their future security." - 4July1776
5. Sound familiar? It should. That's from the Declaration of Independence. Our Founding Fathers knew the "Old Guard" in their day to be the English Royal family and their brutal tyrannical government of the crown - a totalitarian, misogynistic society where freedom was forbidden.
6. The media never tries to help Trump, so why would they use the term [Old Guard] to describe Joe Biden?

It's not a favorable term due to its negative reference by our Nation's historical escape from tyranny and the Declaration we made of our right to throw off such governance.
7. Biden has been exposed. The media is using "Old Guard" to suggest Biden is simply the "last of his kind", while disguising it's true meaning.

But to PATRIOTS, hearing Joe Biden is "the last of the old guard", is music to our ears.

And AOC isn't the New Guard.

8. As truth emerges and facts unfold, this term "Old Guard" will be thrown around more and more by PATRIOTS. The media is banking on your ignorant of its true meaning.

But, as long as I have voice you'll know the truth. They're trying to fool you. Be ready.

God Bless

- End
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