Just shared this a couple times, just hit me..
So what we have here is a plan by [Deep State] to manufacture a crisis or exploit one already there.

This drop on Epstein, isnt just a drop on Epstein, but the HIV/AIDS trips of 2002 time frame.

Colin Powell went there w Chris Tucker in early 2002

BAM. So read this. What Colin Powell says right here is Chris Tucker has had the luxury of fame and success, and now he must give back to [them] w his “star power” so the sheep will get behind funding HIV/AIDS work in Africa.
So what we know is there was a star studded push for the American people to get behind (actually international in scope, but primarily US backers sought) in the [Deep State’s] push for Aids/HIV awareness/funding for cures/treatment

Here Bono on Oprah show https://www.atu2.com/news/transcript-bono-on-the-oprah-winfrey-show-part-2.html
This ties in so many alone.. forget all other phuckery by [DS]..

Jeebus. UNAIDS, http://Data.org , U2.. Nelson Mandella, this is massive.
Robben Island huh???
There is so much to this. As I said before, this was “Hollywood and Rock Stars” against the conscience of the people of the US/World to donate money to fight AIDS/HIV in Africa (why Africa? Because money cannot be tracked = Deep State’s payday).
Lance Armstrong.. Ashley Judd.. Bono.. kids from freaking africa
So we have established at least 3 things at least right now:

* Epstein & WW politicians involvement

The [POLS/Deep State] called on the stars to get people behind giving money to the cause
This is so huge, i hope everyone knows it cannot be linear and I will have to come back around to things as i remember or can or they pop up.

What this is, is the way the [deep state] used stars/celebrities to do their bidding, to sell the “sheep” on different causes for our $$$
Even though this shows you [Deep State] and a sort of top down to it, this very time period and events were for a reason. They are a chapter in the book. I dont exactly know when all this started, i know Operation Mockingbird unofficially was around late 40’s, official 1953 byCIA
From above, Bono “runs into” Sec of Treasury for US Paul O’Neil.. by chance you know how these things habben.. and gets him on board to help fight Aids/HIV in Africa.. how/why? And w the US Treasury head? Why would Paul O’Neil need to go to Africa?
Get on a plane w (2) 20yr olds... wtf

Cant find part 1
Cant find part 5, this part six, have nuns in it.. all coming full circle.

Part 6:
I am understanding i believe why Paul O’Neil would go to Africa. Fugg. This is huge and depressing.

So these Politicians and celebrities are championing fighting Aids/HIV and economic advancement. Anything [Deep State] think opposite of what [they] say.

“Debt relief program”
In 1996 the IMF & World Bank started [HIPC] as a way to put their thumbs on the head of people in impoverished countries. It keeps the countries poor and indebted.

OPPOSITE of what they tell everyone. SLAVERY IS NOT DEAD.

THIS is why Paul O’neil wanted to personally go to see for hisself. Likely a set of places that were helped out to show as an example to the world why the program worked or didnt, either way to ask for money.
All about the money. If it can ‘be shown’ “programs can work” there will be moar money given.. [deep state] payday. In article O’Neil “washes hands, and administers polio vaccines” to children.. he worked for Aluminum magnate Alcoa before Sec of Treasury.. dafugg he not Dr!?!?!!
Starting to get the picture? All this money, we have the pallets of cash given to Iraq that vanished, pallets of money to Iran, money given in guise of fighting poverty & for poor nations health..

The $$$ came from everywhere headed directly to [them]. For 16yr plan & after.
..& after to operate on.

Talking about impoverished countries ( not just Africa, but in this case..) HIV/Aids was a reason to raise cash. Bring in the Clinton Foundation. Killery & Bill step up to the $$$ buffet and establish CHAI
There are a million particulars to this, but to keep it shorter, the end goal.

Sending money to foreign countries you cannot trace. Keep poor nations poor (guise of economic stimulus) Treating diseases w diluted medicine, found out, switch pricing scheme Dom = ⬆️$ than foreign.
End result to all scenarios? Kids w/o parents = child trafficking. Then that is where all the countries already preying upon these nations have ports/shipping, loose borders, underground tunnels etc to get kids, drugs, whatever to those who pay $$$. https://catholiccourier.com/articles/aids-leaves-children-without-parents-in-southern-africa
Is it a wonder at all that these celebs are freaking the F out? Look what they were involved in https://mobile.twitter.com/WayneDupreeShow/status/1295877043868106753
Everything just works out, but this thread has many ties, one being the pharmaceutical industry and paying too much domestically. What President Trump is doing is eliminating [Deep State] predatory payday. https://mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1296084723165470721

I do not feel sorry for her one bit.
[They] ARE monsters.
@TheLadyK34 for this share, its so much bigger than Bill & Killery.. the list + all others’ private jets, charter jets/planes, etc. this was a crime syndicate.

Listen to what she smugly says, a fantasyland filled w parties.. we know what she means
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