🚨All at the DNC are saying Trump didn't take CV seriously enough & didn't listen to Medical Experts. Let's recap:
A)Against Fauci's advice, in Jan. Trump stopped all travel to China.Biden,Pelosi, Schumer called him Xenophobic,Racist & it was a Horrible decision.Fauci now says>
2) Pres.Trump saved MILLIONS of lives.
B)Gates,Fauci,Birx & Redfield All said Trump Must shutdown America to have even a Small chance at slowing the spread of CV. They told him a Minimum of 2.2 Million Americans Were going to die from CV. Going Against Trump's Financial Advisors
3) he decided to shutdown the Economy to try & Save 2.2+ MILLION American lives. He knew the gravity of doing this. Politically, our Glorious Economy was his shining accomplishment! The Dems knew that the Economy would get Trump reelected. Many lesser Leaders would Never do
4) Anything which would cause them a chance of losing reelection. Trump decided saving lives was more important than winning an Election. He listened & followed the Advice from the CV Taskforce. They moved Heaven & Earth to give frontline Health Workers the supplies they needed.
5) They did Everything humanly possible to save our lives. All the Dems are saying is that Trump didn't wear a mask soon enough. As an RN I will say this for the 1,000th time: Masks Do Not Protect You, Stop Or Slow The Spread Of Any Virus. Period! It says so on the box, masks >
6) come in. Trump took the virus seriously. He did Everything he could. Pelosi & Schumer went to China Town in their cities, Without Masks, & begged people to get out, shop, participate in celebrations. Such utter Hypocrisy & Lies.
Pres.Trump chose to try & save our lives by
7)following the Medical Experts Advice. Never forget that. Many others would not have taken that chance. If the Advice was erroneous,blame the Advisors & not Trump. If he didn't love America so much & only cared about himself, he would have chosen differently. God Bless him.🙏🇺🇸
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