Got messaged on FB by a former coach/friend who wants me to speak to their team about my recruiting process. Very few know this, but I got my scholarship thru coach (Glasco) watching me in CO during a warmup. Everything you do pre-game, during, & after games matters.
College coaches see everything. Including your parents. Carry your own bags, have a firm hand shake when greeting someone, show them thru your actions why you stand out & why they should offer you. Most of the time when a coach has interest in you, they know you can play.
But so can other girls who they’re also interested in. What makes you different? Why should they choose you? Your character on & off the field speaks volumes to coaches. They want to bring in girls who can play but who also know how to be a good teammate, a good person.
Bc once your career is all said & done, people won’t remember your stats or whether or not you played or how many HRs you hit in your career.. they remember the kind of person you were. What perception do you want someone to have of you once your done playing your sport? 🤔
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