In passing along internal polling data, Manafort was passing along information that told the Russians where the Trump campaign was allocating “98 percent” of its recources, according to Parscale. In other words, this told the Russians where to target their interference efforts.
This means the data operations of both the Trump campaign and Russia were potentially working off the same playbook.
Prior to Manafort’s meeting w/ the GRU (Kilimnik) on Aug 2nd he asked Gates to PRINT an EXCEL spreadsheet w/ internal polling data on 137 target markets in key states. Presumably if it was printed and given to Manafort... it was given to Kilimnik.
So what would this tell the Russians? Well they needed to tear Hillary down and push up her “negatives as much as possible.”

That’s something that the Russians were well equipped to help deliver.
This meeting also likely helped convince the Russians to keep interfering. Reports indicate the Kremlin was debating standing down after Trump’s fight w/ Khan at the Dem Covention... just days earlier. So Manafort was telling Kilimnik they c/d win and how Russia c/d help.
??? This seems like a really significant redaction.
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