Roll call!!

Alabama: staff talking in background — fired!

Alaska — looking good!

American Samoa — damn you and your pacific islands chic

Arizona — is that a cactus in your pocket, or?

Arkansas — why didn’t you find a decent senate candidate!! Inexcusable
California — what no palm tree in the shot!! Fired. 🌴 But peppy. Redeemed

Colorado — gold stars for kid’s shirt

Connecticut — what is happening here?

Delaware — it’s not a game of uno, you don’t get to pass

Democrats abroad — bernie, really?

DC — 51st state!!!
Florida — that’s a ... really big chair?

Georgia — John Lewis mural A+

Guam — you are so weird. Still don’t get you. You were my backup school.

Hawaii — this is an unfair zoom background. Also, we’re still mad about Tulsi.

Idaho!! Actually that is the only dem in Idaho
Illinois — room rater 2/10

Indiana — broadcasting from inside the hostage video.

Missed some because CNN is terrible

Kansas — no corn? Kidding

States with inside views — nope

Ok but Louisiana kid was adorbs

Maine — neutral

Maryland — great suit.
Massachusetts ....

Michigan it’s not a car ad

Minnesota — Amy K you forgot your ❄️

Does everywhere have better weather than DC?? Wtf

Mississippi makes me glad I am not teaching this year

Missouri — Arch!
Montana — moooooooo!

Nebraska — ok this is a weird follow up to the cow shot

Nevada — we know. There is only that one sign and the palm trees you stole from California

NH — should have done a dance number instead
New Jersey — a train station, because everyone wants to get out of Jersey

New Mexico — so beautiful and underrated. Really bringing the turquoise.

New York — sorry chuck Schumer took the good backdrop

North Carolina — Cozzie Watkins A+ bring it!!!

North Dakota — really?
Northern Mariana Islands — we don’t know where you are! But great message!

Ohio — bringing the lordstown anger and gray skies!

Oklahoma — good history lesson

Oregon — umm I love all these kids with aviator glasses. So much better than red hats.
Pennsylvania — “still here— Scranton!”

Puerto Rico — we will vote for whoever isn’t throwing paper towels at our heads

Rhode Island — “Calamari comeback state” is not much of a motto

South Carolina — Jaime!! @harrisonjaime whoot!!

South Dakota — well done, short, sincere
Tennessee — so many questions here

Texas — El Paso masks. A+

Utah — should have done from weird sculpture in middle of salt flats. D-

Vermont — mad libs

USVI — let’s talk about those private islands

Virginia— yeah. That’s about right.

Washington — space needle cred!
West Virginia — education isn’t usually what you think of

Wyoming — oh god, CNN speller Matthew Shepard’s family’s name wrong

Wisconsin — there are too many W states!!

Delaware again — @pithywidow is right, this is the worst small world ride
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