
In around about a week my channel will be a year old and I have some thoughts on the current state of Muslim apologetics channels.

I'm hoping that the thoughts that I share here may result in a positive change, so bear with me.

The reason I started being active so late is because I thought that everything was already taken care of.

There are many Muslims that I consider seasoned apologists... So I was comfortable.

Then, one day, I came across a video but couldn't find a response to it.
I started going through that channel that had around 100k views in tens of its videos, but it was almost completely ignored by most Muslim apologists.

Why? Usually because they have their own priorities. Many prefer doing dawah in Speaker's Corner. Others, refuse to be reactive.
"Let us be proactive and not reactive!"

That is what they usually say.

Try telling that to a young Muslim that lacks the patience to spend months learning his foundations. His faith is shaken and he wants a response now.
Anyhow, I only came across a few small channels that set up responses. These were usually created by younger brothers. Some of them were not knowledgeable at all.

However, I have massive respect for them. They know their limitations, but their gheera for the deen was too great.
When I saw this, I couldn't let it go.

I decided to get started refuting every "problematic" argument on this channel. In around two months, with the help of brothers like @AReminder0, the task was done.

I could rest for a bit but I started to reflect...
I recall driving around with a friend in Dubai a few years ago. We spoke about Sunni-Shia polemics and told him that I was co-running a site.

He asked: One of the hundreds?

I replied: Hundreds? I could barely name five (in English).
He had the same assumption that I did when I first started the channel. He assumed that everything was already being taken care of.

That seems to be everyone's assumption. People are not aware of the need.

I only hit 20k subs in a year because the need exists.
Which is why those that are knowledgeable need to get active. When I say active, I mean, reactive. There are many channels out there that are spreading a positive message about Islam. However, there aren't that many that are doing a good job responding to allegations.
I've been through around most of these channels during the past few days.

Most of them do not focus on refuting allegations at all. Refutations are a rare theme on these channels.

Some of those that are focused though aren't even any good, sadly.
Also, those that are good aren't usually attractive in their presentation, due to a lack of visuals and/or monotonous speech.

The vast majority don't even show a face, which isn't a necessity, but quite important, in my opinion.
Solution: Smaller channels, that focus on individual efforts, should unite their efforts.

- Those that are creative with visuals should support others that excel in research.

- Channels that only do audio should ask someone that is comfortable with video to present material.
Solution: The Speaker's Corner du'at need to cut down on the live exchanges and focus on direct refutations to anti-Islam channels.

SC debates can be entertaining. However, they will not be a reference to specific arguments. 10-15min videos are required for that.
Solution: Accept that there is a problem. Take steps to solve it. Stop assuming that everything is being taken care of. Get started before a family member becomes an apostate and you realize that there was an issue all along.

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