I’ve talked a bit about my family, the Pamunkey tribe’s historic anti-blackness, and the enrollment case for which we have enlisted the help of Congresswoman @RepGwenMoore and a tribal lawyer, but now I want to take time to explain the whole story.
The Pamunkey are a tribe in Virginia. We are the tribe of Pocahontas and Chief Powhatan, first contact with the English at Jamestown. At that time we were a Confederacy of over 30 independently governed tribes in villages and cities in what is currently MD/VA/NC.
Our reservation was esta in 1658. Our treaties were w England (Virginia Colony) and we have always been recognized by the English crown. However, we do not have treaties with the US govt, so we had to apply for federal recognition. It took 30 years, and recognition came in 2015.
Tribal leadership at the time told Congress that this law was obsolete but they just never got around to formally voting on amending it until 2012 (in reality it was August 2014).
It’s important to note, several years prior they *had* formally voted out a law from the same time (it appears right after to the anti-black one) that said white husbands of Pamunkey women could not claim land on the reservation.

So why leave the anti-black law standing? 🤔
We also have proof (from the Virginia Governor’s office) that the tribe had been using the law to exclude the black-mixed children of tribal members up into the 1990s and well into the 2000s.
Let me explain the reason behind the law. As all East Coast tribes, Pamunkey have been in contact with white and black people since 1619. Of course there has been some mixing. They were even known to harbor runaway enslaved people.
The white people in Virginia wanted to land-grab from Native tribes so they would accuse them of being mulattos or black people so that they could justify taking their land and sovereignty.
First case was the Gingaskin (Accomack). They had a 650 acre reservation. The white neighbors thght they didn’t farm the land enough, so they legally accused the tribe of not being “real Indians” bc some were mixed w free blacks. Virginia officially terminated the tribe in 1813.
The Gingaskin was the first instance of termination or legal allotment of reservation lands and detribalization in US history. And it was all based on the idea that mixing with Black people made a tribe less legitimate. Though Native mixing with whites was encouraged.
Natives mixing with Black people was a threat to the settler state. The two communities aligning was a frightening prospect for obvious reasons. White people were in constant fear of uprisings. For example:
On the other hand, Natives mixing with white people furthered the settler state. It meant assimilation to white ways and opportunities for white men to own Native land. For exp, the Cherokee’s entree into the Black slave trade was thru rich white men who married into their tribe
After the Gingaskin case, you can find instances up and down the East Coast where white townspeople were using this tactic - petitioning local governments to take Native land on the basis that the tribe was too black.
Tribes had to find friendly white people to state their cases in court with defenses like “I’ve never seen them associate with a Negro! They would never!” And “Yes they are dark but they have straight hair!” Looking at these court documents is just horrifying.
Some Native communities, like the Narragansett in RI, took a hard stance and were like “Yes we are mixed with black people, who you brought here and enslaved, but we offered friendship to, but that does NOT make us less indigenous.”
But Southern racism made it much harder. First off, I gotta say, Southern white people couldn’t tell us a part. I know that’s a joke - white people thinking we all look a like.
But literally, when Ulysses S Grant brought his secretary Ely Parker from the Seneca nation (upstate NY, no black ancestry) to a meeting with General Lee (yes that one), Lee wouldn’t shake his hand because he thought he was a black man.
In response to the fear of tribal termination and losing their land, the Pamunkey and other Virginia tribes found it necessary to draw a hard line between themselves and the black community during Jim Crow. That is the reason for the law.
If a Pamunkey married or had a kid with black person, or associated black people they were disenrolled and banished. They also a purged reservation forcing people who were too dark to leave. They documented this in their fed rec petition to the BIA as proof of their purity, btw.
My family was no more mixed or not mixed than other Pamunkeys. However, we had a prominent family member who elected to VA legislature during Reconstruction. He gave some of his own land to create a school for newly freed blacks in the area. That was considered crossing a line.
So my family understands what happened that led us to be disenrolled. However, we’ve maintained community and cultural contact as much as possible. You have to understand that what started as self-preservation, became ingrained racism. It’s been hideous how we’ve been treated.
Back to our case. While the tribe was up for federal recognition, they had to close enrollment. Part of the process is proving your members are all connected to historically identified tribal people. So they couldn’t enroll new members while conducting the fed recognition process
My cousin Jasmine was the first to attempt to enroll. This was strategic. She is very light skinned and has been accepted socially by tribal communities in Virginia. We are all very involved in Indian Country, but she thought her acceptability would make it easier.
The former chief Kevin Brown met with her and was fully aware of our tribal connection. He said he was committed to righting this historical injustice and enrolling our family after the recognition process was over.

But that chief was not re-elected.
The tribal genealogist and historian was also made aware and confirmed our genealogy. As does the Library of Virginia and these scholars in their books:
Africans and Native Americans by Jack Forbes, 1981
That the Blood Stay Pure by Arica Coleman, 2013
The tribe’s criteria for enrollment now is a 1900/1910 census. Of course, this census was made after the purge and the anti-black law. So our people were no longer living on tribal land.
When we were told we did not meet the criteria by the new council, we enlisted the help of Congresswoman Gwen Moore and a private lawyer who works in tribal law.
Congresswoman Moore put pressure on tribal leadership, as did many of our enrolled cousins and other tribal members. Our argument was “you should not use a roll that was made after the anti-black laws because that is further discrimination”.
Today my cousin received a letter from the tribe. They amended enrollment criteria. A person can establish ancestry to any of the historical Pamunkey listed in their petition to the BIA for federal recognition. This would be prior to the 1900/1910 rolls (approx 1787-1843).
Remember, as a non-treaty tribe Pamunkey don’t have 19th/18th C. enumerated rolls. So the list given to the @USIndianAffairs of Pamunkey 1787-1843 was made to prove the ancestry of the *current members*. It’s an older set of people from the same families as the 1900/1910 rolls.
The tribe used records of the founding of a Pamunkey church. My direct ancestors are on those docs as church founders but for *some reason* don’t appear on the list of historical Pamunkey given to @USIndianAffairs So tribal leadership knows we aren’t on the BIA’s official list.
I fully support tribal sovereignty. I believe Native identity is community-based, it’s not about who you claim, but who claims you. So coming out against my own tribe is hard for me. But this is not an issue of sovereignty. This is racial discrimination and frankly, it’s fraud.
When I was younger and I learned about all of this I asked my mom “WHY are we Pamunkey?! Can we be ANY OTHER TRIBE PLEASE?!” It was just a juvenile thing to say but honestly, I’ve never felt it more than today.
A few weeks ago, the current Pamunkey Chief Robert Gray posted a picture of himself and a few members at a BLM rally @blmrva. This hurt and angered me.

They recently bought land for a casino in a majority Black part of Richmond, VA. Yet this is how they treat Black relatives.
Today is a seminal moment for our family and our case with the Pamunkey Tribe. My cousin, Jasmine Anderson @PamunkeyWoman34 spoke at a press conference with @hey_mrsjackie in Norfolk, VA.

Hopefully this leads to more media attention & support.

Watch: https://www.facebook.com/i.am.onyx.hicks/videos/10224546765644805/
Also, on Oct 6, @RepGwenMoore sent a follow-up letter to #PamunkeyTribe Chief Robert Gray asking for documentation on how their enrollment amendments will restore families impacted by the anti-black #blackcodes So far, no response from Chief and Council.
Update: In his letter to @RepGwenMoore, #Pamunkey Chief Bob Gray stated that to his knowledge the black law “has not been enforced”. He has also stated this publicly when confronted about our case.

We have proof he is lying. The law was enforced at least as recently as 1999.
In 1999 Lorrie Harris, who is from a core Pamunkey family and who grew up on the reservation, tried to enroll her children. Her two oldest sons were approved. They have a white father. She and her youngest son were denied - she was married to a black man who was that son’s father
You can plainly see the letter from Chief & Council states that Ms Harris and her younger son were denied enrollment “in accordance with our current laws.” CURRENT LAWS. Not obsolete, by-gone era laws. Black codes enforced in 1999.

Chief Bob Gray was on tribal council in 1999.
Lorrie Harris sent a letter to the Governor’s office for help. She says that she only recently learned of the black laws used to deny her and her child membership, and she believed they must illegal. This letter is public record and we attained it from the state of VA.
When confronted by the Congressional Black Caucus in 2014, tribal council said the black laws were obsolete “vestiges”. Lies.

Lorrie Harris was finally able to enroll herself and her half-black son in 2014 by threatening to reveal their racism against her to the BIA, OFA, & CBC
Chief Bob Gray was on tribal council in 1999 when Ms Harris and her son were denied enrollment. He was also on council when her letters were used as leverage to finally get her and her son enrolled. He is fully aware that the black laws have been enforced. And he is complicit.
On Election Day #Norfolk VA voted yes to Pamunkey tribal casino. I think y’all should know who youre dealing with.

The #Pamunkey spokesman uses the mixed-race relationship on the rez as proof they aren’t actively racist. This statement is from tribal member in that relationship.
Katie McCormick is also mentioned in Chief Gray’s letter to Rep Gwen Moore bc she wrote a letter to Rep Moore on our behalf, citing the active anti-black racism she has observed at #Pamunkey.

For doing so, the Chief charged her with “disloyalty” and took away he right to vote.
I just want to emphasize this part of her statement.

Yes this is more evidence that there is antiblackness that keeps my family from tribal enrollment but beyond that, #Pamunkey should not be doing business in the very black areas of #Norfolk and #Richmond. There is no way!
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