Why I started this account on Money Twitterđź’Ą

I have reached 700+ followers in my community so I feel like it is necessary to share my WHY

Plus a little about my life

(Inspired by @BuildBigMoney1)

I grew up in a typical middle class household. Money was never an issue, but we also weren’t living the high life.

A vacation every year. Was able to play traveling baseball and Christmas was always full of gifts.

I was blessed.
Fast forward to when I was around 8 years old, I found out my parents were getting a divorce.

To an 8 year old kid, that’s devastating.

To be frank, the divorce wasn’t great. Parents weren’t to court, fought over money

Honestly, at age 22, they still fight and don’t get along
Subconsciously, I always have connected money with fighting, due to my parents fighting about it

Then in college, I learned about investing and the ability to set aside money now, for an even greater pay off later

I was intrigued.
I wanted to learn more. I read, I read, I read.

I realized that money isn’t bad. Financial freedom isn’t bad.

At that moment, I was hooked.

I was able to work to disconnect my thoughts of money being bad
The problem? None of my friends were into investing

They wanted to party

They wanted that nice new car

They wanted to go on travel (while going into debt to do so)

In a way, I felt out of place
So I created this account. I wanted to find a community that was more like me

People who actually enjoyed stocks, enjoyed bettering themselves, enjoyed actually not being stupid with their money.

Like minded people👊🏻
And my mission with this account is to help anyone, but more specifically those who may “feel out of place” because their peers could care less about their financial choices.

I want to spread the good word of investing. That becoming financially free is POSSIBLE
That it is cool to invest.

That being someone who doesn’t want to waste their money on stupid purchases doesn’t make you “cheap”

It makes you SMART

So that’s my WHY. To help YOU. I’m no where near financial freedom, but what good is it if I don’t bring along people with me.
So I hope with this thread you were able to learn a little more about me

BUT more importantly

You want to learn to long term invest

If you do, my DMs are always open to talk!

Remember, each account here is a human being, we WANT to connect with you! So don’t be afraid!
While you are here, check out my team!! I promise each one of them is worth a follow and can help you!!

You can follow @DecadeInvestor.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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