thread of girls and women that are better role models than Cardi B:
St Demiana: Lead 40 other girls to a chaste life, stood against evil leaders, confronted her father that left Christ. and she was 15.
St Marina the Monk: Couldn’t leave to be a nun so she disguised herself as a monk because she was so determined to live for Christ. was wrongly accused of adultery & accepted the punishment & raised the child on her own.
St Mary of Egypt: lived life as a posititute starting at 12 for eighteen years until her experience in the church. she left the world after 18 years in a life of sin to live for Christ. She spent the rest of her life in repentance in the wilderness for 40 years.
((When St Mary if Egypt attempted to walk into the church of st Mary (mother of God) to see a piece of the cross she was continually pulled back, preventing her from entering the doors of the church.))
St Marina: refused to marry a rich and powerful king because of her love for Christ. beat up the devil with a stick.
Saint Mohrel: Willinglt gave up the world for Christ, experience horrible persecution’s and torchers for her faith. Before she died Christ Himself appeared to her: ‘Whoever writes your life story I will write his name in the book of life’ She was 12.
Lastly: The mother of the Logos, God Himself. St Mary is known throughout the world and is called many different names. Through her many prophecies were fulfilled from the old testament and she is the greatest saint in christianity. she was 13.
These women didn’t need attitudes, or inappropriateness. They were strong, courageous, loving, and brave because they allowed Christ to be their goal, not the world. And they’re remember thousands years later what society is teaching our youth is dangerous and should be addressed
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