There is a voice, however faint, that holds the knowledge you THINK you do not have. It's been both a participant and a spectator to your life, so it consciously knows you more than you unconsciously know yourself. It gets ignored because you'd rather stay ignorant. It waits.
It shares the same space as the voice that's so codependent of you being in a state of hyperawareness; fearful. This voice has watched you choose the other many times, and has witnessed a traumatic r'ship build based off lived experiences that other voice eats from. It waits.
Every now and then, when you're too engaged to feel the fear, this voice takes it upon itself to remind you how great it feels to simply live. How your senses are alive and your breath is taken aback. How real this feels, to not worry so much. It rejoices.
But the other voice doesn't like to wait as this voice does. Fear has no patience; the adrenaline from the worry tastes too sweet. So it pushes this voice out of the way and spews reluctance into your head. That voice is so loud, you can't help but listen. This other voice sighs.
This other voice grows as you do, watches what you see, and hears what you hear. But it also pays attention to your world and the one you happen to participate in and it sees outside clear enough to know it's not your fault, these traumas. It sees you so clear. It waits.
It just wants you to be. To let go of the control the other voice is so desperate for you to have. It wants you to choose it willingly, and so it works tirelessly to fight for you. Those moments you look in the mirror and approve the image, the voice twinkles in your eye.
While that other voice taunts you to seek outside validation, this voice wants to assure you the validation you seek is between you and it. Right here.
If only you could see what it sees.
If only you could talk to it more, so you'd be validated as you need to all the time.
If only you knew this voice was HERE. If only it was enough for you. If only you understood that the pain you run towards out of familiarity didn't have to be the only place you sought solace. There are other boulevards in your mind that lead to peace. It waits.
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