I’d never get phalloplasty because of 2 reasons. The first is, I do NOT like how it functions at all- it isn’t close enough to the real thing. Though, it be fun to have so many “squeeze my balls,” jokes. The second reason is the fact that the recovery period is for months.
I don’t like sitting still and not being able to just go about doing what I want. I’m way too impatient and impulsive for that. Basically, it would be suicidal to commit to phallo and I’m not suicidal. I’ll settle for other ways to cope with my dysphoria.
I’m not trying to trash on anyone who’s had phalloplasty. If you’re happy with it, well, perhaps it was right for you and that’s awesome. It isn’t the best outcome for other trans men & I’m tired of it being talked about like it’s this epic penis. It ain’t.
I’ve noticed a lot of trans men that act like phalloplasty is the end all goal have never made any sort of peace with their lower area. Listen, I can not stress this enough - if I had a 9” inch penis...yes, that would be amazing. Lol. But it isn’t realistic. So here I am..coping.
The fact is, being intimate with a partner means a lot and being able to orgasm is a part of that. I’d rather be realistic about how phallo is and how it would impact me than not. If there is a way to cope with SOME dysphoria but keep my parts...cool, I’m down.
I know using something to substitute for a penis isn’t the same. But, hey, be thankful you’re living during a time when you can do that. How cool is it to give your partner an option of a 6” or 9” dick? Just sayin. That’s way better than feeling defeated by dysphoria.
Finally, I’ll say this...you aren’t more of a rEaL trans man because you have severe lower dysphoria. Furthermore, if you can’t get creative during sex with a pretend-penis or handle receiving...bruh, do you even know how to use or fuck when you get a penis at all? Take a seat.
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