So I've asked some libs if they really think beating Trump will change the GOP & produce a kinder/gentler nominee from them in 2024....most of them said yes.

Well, a couple things:
Well, a couple things: # 1. In 2016 Hillary Clinton lost, leading many people to say that Clintonism was dead and that Democrats should strive to have a more progressive party. But then Russiagate happened and well you should know the story....
So despite the abject disaster of losing three blue states to a reality show change cuz... dude, it was really all Putinghazi or sexism plus Richard Spencer....
So the Democrats basically don't change despite getting asses handed to them & are running much the same playbook.

# 2. The Teapublican base that supports birtherism, etc...they're not going anywhere. That's still roughly 24% of the population according to some sources.
The concept that they're suddenly going to become Rockefeller Republicans again is just plain weird...especially with weirdos like Dan Crenshaw hanging around. These cryptofascists require multiple populist beatdowns b4 they're marginalized.
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