there is a reason i have never, not once in my entire life, not even on school mock 'vote for president' ballots ever voted for a republican. ever. in my entire life. i am not happy about all of a sudden having a republican national convention during the DNC.
when will the democrats EVER figure out that we are never EVER going to appeal to the moderate--and if we do, IT. IS. A. FAILED. STRATEGY. the clinton strategy is a *failure*. it is what helped to get us to the point we are at.
continuing to dig in and do what has *always* failed is the definition of insanity. stop stop stop stop STOP.
kasich constantly assuring his Republican friends that Joe Biden will not let the dems swing to socialism is making me fucking *puke*.
i have NO problem with moderate republicans saying 'we have things we can work together on, like: x, y, and z and can we rest in this tent until we can get our own shit together' --i have a MASSIVE problem with 'Rs are welcome in this party! what can we do to appeal to more Rs!
there are literally no socialists in Dem party--there ARE democratic socialists, and that is NOT a socialist or a communist or even all that radical.

pay taxes, u rich motherfuckers. that's it. not socialism or communism.
if Rs are going to be resting in our tent, then they need to stfu up about 'socialism' and telling the D party what needs to go on the platform or who they need to be appealing to.
and D leadership needs to stop fucking around with 'what can we do to bring more of you over here!?!?!' and start working with the people that are already fucking here.
what is john kasich doing to get his own fucking party's shit together? or Cindy McCain? or Colin Powell? is taking over the D party the only thing on the list?
and please please pleeeeease don't tell me abt 'we don't have the luxury of fighting right now." i fucking KNOW that we have to get trump out. i am a chicana working class queer mother, I KNOW TRUMP IS DANGEROUS.
but as
@prisonculture always talks about--the republicans are exclusively and completely about *power*. and we HAVE to stop acting like chickens with our heads cut off and do be SMART abt shit. we are not powerless!
and if we're going to go with nazi analogies, lets spend, lets see, 10 minutes, meditating on neville chamberlain.
working WITH moderate republicans to kick a piece of shit out of office is good and potentially very powerful. being taken OVER by moderate republicans and sacrificing progressive politics to appease the 'moderate' voter is disempowering and failure politics.
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