As a curator of powerful habits, I dig through the depths of Money Twitter to find profound wisdom on the subject.

Tonight's teachers are as follows:

Only in the last couple of years did I realize the foundation of action has to stand on the legs of habit.

Success is improbable otherwise.

Wealth derived from chaotic chance is unsustainable.

@brandonthezhang understands this :
Illustrating what habits are is often difficult.

" It's just stuff you should do every day "


This is the normie description.

The way @Rugged_Legacy describes the true nature of habits here should be framed at the Louvre
However, strong habits aren't always easy to formulate and apply.

As @GrowHighHQ teaches us, the prerequisite must be discipline:
@wizofecom shows us a technique that he used to condition himself



This can be the glue that develops your discipline.

Daily reminders are crucial.
But what is the other option?

A life without habits is a life of downward trajectory.

Fitness-extraordinaire @roanwar teaches us the most destructive habits many of us can succumb to:
Across vast swaths of industry whether it is:

- Self Development
- Email marketing
- Copywriting
- Podcasting
- Blogging
- Fitness
- Ecom

Habits are in the background pulling the strings of action.
You can follow @vigorhabits.
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