Dreamcatcher and the modern, relatable, inspirational and comforting message present in their songs (based solely on the two dystopia albums); an eye-opening thread⚡
First of all, the title tracks: scream and boca.
Before we start I want to tell the story behind this concept and trilogy in a few words.
Scream MV begins with this picture.
In the screen we read:
"One day suddenly the light did not come. People forgot how to say good things"-
-Sounds familiar, uh?
Back to the story, to put it simply, everyone was living in peace in this world without useless wars (utopia), but one day darkness takes over and turns the once peaceful world into a world full of hatred (dystopia)-
-Basically where once the air was filled with good words, now it's all negativity and hateful comments.
Looks like the society we currently live in, doesn't it?
That's the whole point of this story.
It's not something abstract, far away from us: it's the story of OUR world-
-allegedly the whole trilogy is about "see no evil (scream) , speak no evil (boca) and hear no evil (coming soon)"
Now let's analyze the lyrics of scream: "I feel the stares/Flowing through my veins, all pain/though everyone throws stones at me, I can't escape-
-hatred that only grows is born and aimed at random targets/hypocrisy claims that it's my fault/words that cut like a sharp sword, they dig deep into scars"-
-Scream focuses on how words are often dangerous depending on how we use them and they can affect everyone, even idols
Most of all idols, bc of the visibility they have, but just bc you see them through a screen that doesn't make them any less of a person-
-Then onto boca.
While scream was more like a "scream" for help, boca is more like a "fight back" song.
Like "you waste your breath on hateful comments, I'll shut your mouth"
That is basically the whole meaning of the song (boca means mouth in Spanish)-
-Lyrics worth mentioning are "all the targets are on you/lock your mouth/to them guilt doesn't exist/I'll lock it for you, boca/those words like thorn/why are precious times filled with hate?"
And my fav "𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲?"
Stream boca🔥-
-Basically these two songs focus on haters, their malicious comments and how we should always be careful with the words we use, because they can cause even more pain than physical violence-
-We, as fans, all "know" that. I've seen people preach about mental health and then leave death threats seconds later. This isn't it.
In a society that revolves around social medias, where we can only communicate through words that EVERYONE can read, we should think twice before-
-insulting, "canceling", bodyshaming (and leaving death threats!!) someone.
It seems like we all think that nobody's going to read what we write, especially the artists.
But most of the time, they read, they know.
Keep in mind this is a public platform-
-you can't tweet something and then pull the "*idol* will never read it" card.
You shouldn't even say those things in the first place!!!
It becomes a problem bc people who don't have nothing else to do like to join the hate bandwagon and hating *idol* becomes a trend-
-and the bigger it gets the more likely it is that *idol* is going to read those hateful comments.
They're people, just like us.
But setting aside the idols thing, no one deserves to be treated like that, no one deserves to hear gratuitous insults
Do think twice before speaking-
-That's the whole message behind scream, boca and the whole trilogy.
Be careful about the words you use and about how you use them.
Now, let's get into the more positive, comforting and inspiring part of their discography-
-Moving to the b-sides I'll start with Black or white that is basically about not fitting society norms and stereotypes, or better it's about REFUSING to fit into the image society has created for us at birth.
Personally, for me and my bisexual eyes, it's a very inspiring song-
-bow tells you you can and YOU SHOULD be whoever you want, proudly and unapologetically.
You shouldn't let other people decide for you the person you want to be.
It's all up to you.
All you have to do is not let society decide for you.
Give it a listen⬇️-
-Then there's my personal favourite, tension
Let me praise the music first: IT'S THE SHIT🔥
The song is basically a "I know you're trying hard, but sometimes things don't go the way we planned. Don't let it dishearten you. There's always next time. You can do it, don't give up"-
-That's a GREAT message (especially for perfectionists like me), bc we always feel pressured not only to do our best but also to succeed and most of the times trying our best doesn't equal success
And that's okay, it happens
Listen to this masterpiece💯⬇️-
-I want to give a special mention to Sahara, which has lyrics such as "nobody has a fixed path/even if there are obstacles in front of me/even if something tries to drag me/even though the fierce wind scratches me/I have to go forward-
-hold on to the truth and fight/go against the current and fight/I can get through everything"
Go give this inspirational bop a listen too (the MV is the cutest thing ever. It's a h̶o̶m̶e̶m̶a̶d̶e̶ fitting room made video, very deukae-like)⬇️-
-Then I want give Siyeon's solo (written & composed by her) a HUGE shoutout bc that song is made in heaven, or better, in paradise😉
It's basically a hug from siyeon herself: she's telling you she understands your pain and struggles bc she feels them too, she knows the feeling-
-She tells you she sometimes wants to run away from the pain and from the tears too and that you're not alone in your sadness.
"You're always in my heart" with her beautiful voice hits hard but at the same times it's like a gentle caress on the cheek⬇️-
-Then, last but not least, we have the queen: break the wall.
This song sounds a lot like a riot, like a war cry: you're in the battlefield fighting against your own struggles, hardships and haters at the same time.
Here are some lyrics worth mentioning-
-"don't want anyone to be unhappy/rise with all your strength/break the wall that you've protected until now, fight it with all your strength, defeat those hardships/rise again/don't be afraid, don't lose your faith, run no more"
Look at them own it🔥⬇️-
-Basically, dreamcatcher is a group of seven, I repeat 𝗦𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗡, women who not only are amazing performers, vocalists and dancers, and their discography is top tier, but also their songs carry messages that are relevant and inspiring in today's world.
Stan dreamcatcher🔥
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