If there's all of this controversy and discussion about IF a formal vote was taken to cancel the Big Ten season, then I don't believe that there was one. There is no reason to keep the process confidential. If they want to hide who voted for what, then so be it.
All the Big Ten is doing is firing up people. The process will come out eventually, which is why the Big Ten should have been transparent from the beginning. As long as there are thorough answers, they'd have no reason to hide. If people are upset for your reasons, so be it.
Every player, parent, coach, athletic director and fan have every reason to be fired up about it, especially since they have been treated like idiots from the outside. The simple 'it's a pandemic' isn't a good enough explanation for people. Treat them with respect. Educate them.
"The Big Ten Conference will continue to evaluate a number of options regarding (fall) sports."

Couple days ago: A cheap new COVID saliva test was approved for use. Save schools $$ and is accurate.

Throughout last week: Players, ADs, Parents, Coaches and fans fired up.
Want the pressure and negative national coverage to stop? Call a presser, be prepared to be peppered with difficult questions and be even more prepared with thorough, honest and accurate answers. Burying your head in the sand and wishing the public would go away is a bad strategy
The Big Ten was so desperate to be seen as the "leader" throughout all of this that they pulled the trigger to cancel the fall season first. They were sure that others would follow, but they didn't. There's a reason why the Pac-12 waited until AFTER the B1G announced to cancel.
If the SEC, Big 12 and ACC go through and play a full season, it will take the Big Ten years to recover from a national perception. The only reason they wouldn't fade into Pac-12 irrelevancy is because Ohio State, Michigan and Penn State are in the conference.
All of the negative national perception could have been avoided if there was transparency from the conference. They had six months to prepare for this moment, but they executed it like they had six hours.
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