Has the covid-19 press conference ever been on time? Even once? I guess it takes time to spin the bad news the way UCP likes it.
Okay, some thoughts:
How much did Shopper’s Drug Mart pay for that free advertising? 😡 1/
Some of the outbreaks in Edmonton have been at indoor gatherings and at church services where they were taking precautions, but still had a significant number of cases connected to that. Why is the virus expected to act differently in a school? 2/
I lost count of how many ways there were to evade the questions about how distancing is impossible in large classes. ‘It depends...’ why does it depend at school, but not anywhere else? 4/
Also, can someone *please* try to explain to these people how schools are in 2020? It seems like the concept of high school students changing classes and being part of multiple cohorts was brand new information. It’s like they think it’s a one room schoolhouse on the prairies. 5/
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