I have a “respected” Trumper on my TL shouting, it’s not about the man, it’s the policy?.

Which policy?

Voter suppression? Stripping 20 million of healthcare? Caging children? Tear gassing protesters? Billionaire tax cuts? Russian capitulation? Climate denial? 170k Covid Dead?
Sowing racial division? Promoting police brutality? Defending Neo-Nazism?
No comprehensive national testing and tracing policy? Reopening the country months too soon? Sending teachers and students to die?
Continual attacks on female reproductive freedoms? Acquiescence to NRA dollars after every mass school shooting?
Waging war on transgender soldiers? Banning foreign travelers by religion? Seeking to revoke DACA? Attacking free press? Gutting the mail service to deny fair, unfettered elections?
Abuse of presidential power for personal political gain? The demonization of dissent? Flagrant attacks on democratic norms and the rule of law?
Enriching himself in violation of the emoluments clause? Refusal to believe in Russian bounties on the heads of American soldiers? Hiring of poll guards to intimidate people of color from voting?
Gutting environmental protections and the Voting Rights Act?
Scapegoating Chinese people for your failed Covid response? Scapegoating Mexican people for a decline in industrial jobs? Scapegoating Black people for an imaginary decline in suburban home prices?
Sent unmarked troops into Portland to create violence. Refused to properly help Puerto Rico after hurricane. Lied about a violent migrant caravan to gin up pre midterm fear. Refers to Haiti as shithole country. Refuses to admit Russian electoral interference.
Mocking the disabled. Demonizing the poor. Scapegoating the other. Dividing us by race, by gender, by orientation, by religion. Governing only those who support you. Punishing those who didn’t.
Rescinding promises to Dreamers. Stripping environmental protections. Denying science. Leaving the Paris climate accords. Negating the Iran nuclear deal. Fraying our longest held alliance. Destroying our standing in the world.
Appealing to racial discord. To white grievance. To jingoism and white nationalism and faux patriotism. Equating free speech with disloyalty. And free press as attacks on the state.
Cynically depicting all forms of peaceful protest as rioting and looting. Threatening the sanctity of Social Security and Medicaid. And seeking to dismantle protections for those with preexisting conditions.
Wanting to pull up the ladder for those seeking the American Dream, because they already got theirs. Imprison children. Separate families. Portray all newcomers as criminals. And blame them for jobs lost to a shifting economy.
Viewing your individual tax cuts as more important than the common good, the rule of law, a civil society and a communitarian spirit. Turning a blind eye to racism, to world standing, to the soul of America just to enhance your own paycheck.
I’m not being hyperbolic. These people are all over Facebook. Crowing about the Radical Left! Biden is a puppet! They’re gonna take our money, our guns, burn down our cities and let Brown people in the country. Trust me, I’m not making these folks up.
Keep the rich rich. The poor down. Immigrants out of our country. Black people treated unequally by the law and the police. Nobody safe from Covid or unemployment or police brutality. Just so they can get their tax cuts. These are people I know IRL. This is what they believe.
One tax cut & one moved embassy hardly seems worth sacrificing the rule of law, our democratic norms & institutions, arousing hate and fear and America’s darkest impulses.
But apparently, anyone who wants racial justice, universal healthcare, free speech, an unfettered press, treaties, alliances and a science-based Covid responses are Radical Marxists. At least according to our well respected Trumpers.
We’re literally fighting for the soul of America, to preserve our most basic principles. No one is above the law. Everyone, regardless of race, deserves a fair shot & equal protection. We don’t alienate our allies & curry favor of dictators. Dissent holds government accountable
I just can’t believe I KNOW people who equate American values with radical socialism. Opportunity with entitlement. Protest with lawlessness. Racial equity with unfair advantage. Compassion with weakness. Fairnsss with gaming the system. Some folks just don’t “get” America. 🇺🇸
And all along believing every canard, conspiracy theory and email from somebody’s uncle. Especially pernicious are those delegitimizing our very electoral legitimacy. And allowing the president to dismantle the mail, thereby de facto rigging the election and suppressing the vote.
Remember when elections were about taxes and how to allocate revenue, not whether science was real. Not whether pandemic was a hoax. Not whether Mexicans were rapists or Nazis were good fine people.
Not whether the President would accept the electoral results. Not whether a President would ignore irrefutable proof of Russian electoral interference. Not whether a president would threaten to send poll guards to suppress the minority vote or dismantle the mail to do the same.
Trump & the GOP are petrified of youth protesting, women holding office, transgender soldiers serving, Latinos seeking citizenship & Blacks making the suburbs their home. This says more to me than any conspiratorial canards that “Dems hate Israel” floating all over Facebook today
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