I find it breathtaking that there's basically not a student in the UK that understands the steps their local director of Public Health is taking re students, community transmission and next term, let alone the triggers and plans for lockdowns /closures if there's an outbreak.
They may not be regarded as local citizens over the summer, and local authorities have form on "othering" students, but the idea that I can barely find an SU President who's even met their local DPH is wild.
The impacts of this negligence on the part of DPHs are pretty obvious from here. Either there are no plans to prevent/scenarios being looked at or theyre being hidden from students. Neither wise.
I'm the first to argue that universities should do X Y and Z. But students are local citizens, and ought to play a key role in the co-production of positive management of the pandemic. If we assume they're like school children we will fail.
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