So heres an alternative education plan that could have been worked on.
n.b. this is not a fully worked out strategy and noting that we've spent €36billion so far on this crisis... but it does create a plan B for the challenge of schools not reopening 1/n
and for also supporting a large number kids who can't attend school in Sept.

First thing is there has been loads of lessons learned from March - June schooling at home. A whole host of that should be distilled and codified and stored and shared.

Provide every child in the country with a laptop and provide them with large amounts of content and material using an up to date version of sneaker net. 

To quote Andrew S Tanenbaum "Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway."

Only now on USB drives.

Which gets around the sync broadband problem of online classes

Have smaller groups of students meet teachers in school on a weekly basis. Give every student some 1:1 time with a teacher every week.

Classes via Google classes / Teams / Zoom are OK too where possible but I don't think its possible or a good idea to try and reproduce the regular school environment online - the experience of it is exhausting for everyone.

And there are 100's of other things that can be done that could be hugely valuable too.

There seems to be a ideological drive to push every child in the country into school within two days in a way which makes no sense (in scientific, social or economic terms)

And there doesn't seem to have been any work on a plan B (or even a modified plan A) in the mean time.

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