The idea that oleander is the "miracle cure" for COVID is deadly. [See @realMikeLindell on @andersoncooper train wreck interview.]

Here's why (please RT):

Oleander (Lat: Nerium oleander; family Apocynaceae ) is

** the most poisonous plant in the world**.
Every single part of the oleander is toxic. The leaves, stems, and flowers.

They don't just contain 'a' poison. They contain 'MANY' types of poison.

The most potent of these are oleandrin, and neriine.

Oleander will cause dangerous heart arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats).
You might have this shrub in your garden, and have no idea as to its toxicity.

Note: it is especially harmful to children and pets.

Ingesting *any* part of this pretty garden shrub can be DEADLY.
You can easily identify the plant, which is grown all over the US.

Native to the the Mediterranean and Asia, it's one of the most easily grown shrubs in the US because it tolerates poor growing conditions.

It's a dense shrub ~6–18 ft (1.8–5.4 m) with thick dark leaves.
You could mistake it for an azalea but the leaves and flower-heads are different.

They come in many colours — white, pink, red, orange, and purple.

Oleander has a wonderful fragrance.

Because it grows rapidly, it's often used in landscaping as a barrier against erosion.
Has the plant been used for therapeutic purposes throughout the world? Sometimes.

In Asia the stems were used as toothbrushes;

Ground petals were used to make a paste for headaches (rubbed on forehead) or eczema.

It was used as a snake-bite remedy — causing a victim to vomit.
The entire plant consists of toxic cardiac glycosides.

The roots and seeds have even more concentrated toxins.

If you burn the leaves the smoke is toxic.

If you cut and put the flowers in water the WATER is toxic.

If you ingest *any part* of the plant get to a hospital ASAP!
Symptoms of oleander poisoning?

Nausea, bloody diarrheas, cramping, abdominal pain;
burning in the mouth, salivation, dizziness, confusion, weakness, drowsiness, cardiac abnormalities, visual impairment, irregular heart rates (ventricular dysrhythmias, etc.).
It's a beautiful plant. But it's truly dangerous (see below for oleanders' regional names).

In sum: please NEVER EVER take it.

Certainly not as a "miracle cure" for COVID.
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