Thread 1: Politicians getting paid boatloads to write books while serving in politics is the worst look. I was on Speaker Hastert’s detail when his book was released. That must have been where he got the millions he was extorted for by the former high school students he abused.
2: According to , 37 of the 100 sitting US Senators have at least one published book. And each of those books is sold either based on their direct access to and/or the nature of their current position.
3: In essence, they are making extra money from book sales based on a job they are paid to do by taxpayers. And this is just the Senate, never mind all those in the House doing it as well.
4: I had to leave the FBI early in large part because I couldn’t make enough to provide for my wife and five children in SF. I carried a gun and devoted my career to protecting people, politicians (when on Speaker’s Detail), the constitution, rule of law, and objective truth.
5: Politicians devote their lives to selling voter-approved political narratives for a party win. I would never be able to make money on my position while serving with the FBI, and that’s a good thing. So, why do we let politicians?!
6: Maybe it’s time we put controls in place to help maintain the integrity of the decisions made by elected officials like we do in law enforcement by eliminating book deals while in office.

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