MEDIA RELEASE: Ontario Provincial Police Threaten Peaceful Haudenosaunee Land Defenders of 1492 Land Back Lane
The Ontario Provincial Police have told peaceful Haudenosaunee Land Defenders that they will be enforcing the injunction put in place by developers and Haldimand County. Land Defenders expect violent enforcement to occur within the next few days.
Land Defenders have been negotiating in good faith with police, removing construction equipment as requested, maintained access through the blockades for emergency vehicles, and kept open lines of communication.
The Land Defenders at #1492LandBackLane are engaged in a traditional decision making process. These matters are very complex politically, historically, and socially. It takes time for true democracy in these contexts.
We are working hard to de-escalate the situation and to find a peaceful resolution. The safety of our elders, women, Two-Spirit people, and children who are living within their traditional territory must be maintained.
Our community of Land Defenders and Allies will continue to protect our people from being forcibly removed from our territory, which is an act of genocide.
We urge the OPP and settler politicians to recognize collective Indigenous rights, inherent dignity of Haudenosaunee people and our basic human rights.
Continuing to criminalize us as Indigenous Peoples who are exercising our inherent right to live within our laws and customs cannot continue to be the legacy of the OPP and the Province. 

"We have a sacred responsibility to the land and our future generations.
Peace and unity amongst our people are at the forefront of our minds. We will not allow the aggressive tactics of the OPP to divide our community.
We are strong and we will continue to work towards a peaceful resolution that respects the decisions made by our community." -Skyler Williams, spokesperson

We call on our allies to continue to amplify our demand for peace and safety.
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