To celebrate the anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, we’re going to share a little about some of our incredible women candidates running across the state of New Mexico. Visit their websites or profiles to learn more about each of them.
Lisa Meyer-Hagen – Senate District 12
Lisa is passionate about people, values, and the future of NM. She said: “…I realized I could not continue to sit back, do nothing, and then hate the result. We can do better and we will.” 
Kimberly Skaggs- Senate District 36
Kimberly was born and raised in southern NM and believes we have all the resources needed to move to the top of good lists and become a leader in economic development, security, energy, and education. 
Isabella Solis - House District 37
Isabella is the current Dona Ana County Commissioner and daughter of migrant workers, who taught her the value of hard work. She believes NM has everything it needs to prosper. 
Kayla Marshall-House District 13
Kayla is a NM native and has lived in her district for 16 years. She says, “I am running because I believe that we need to be represented by regular people who will put the needs of their neighbors first.” 
Ryan Chavez-Senate District 18
Ryan says, “I've watched the political dysfunction in Santa Fe. Our students can thrive, our economy can soar, and our communities can be safe and bright -but not with the same old ideas and worn-out approaches. 
Ali Ennenga - House District 15
As a former teacher, former paralegal, business owner, and citizen, Ali knows the needs of teachers and students, the devastating effects of crime, and the burden of heavy taxes. 
Dinah Vargas- House District 10
Dinah Vargas, a true daughter of the South Valley, is running to curb corruption in government and is driven to bring representation back to the people of the South Valley, and surrounding area. 
Beth Miller – House 33
Beth wants to be a fresh, common-sense voice, who can both work across the aisle and stand firm when necessary. Fiscal responsibility, safe streets, quality education, and good jobs are some of her top priorities. 
Stefani Lord – House 22
Stefani believes it's time to get serious about reducing crime, encouraging business start-up and relocation, supporting our mental health system, providing for our veterans, and making our children a top priority. 
Linda Calhoun-House District 42
Linda was elected the first woman mayor of Red River in 2006. She is currently serving her fourth term in that position. Linda and her husband, Ted, are business owners and active members of the community 
Crystal Diamond – Senate District 35
Crystal was raised in Las Cruces and is running for NM State Senate to ensure the traditions of Southern New Mexico are preserved and that rural New Mexicans have a voice in Santa Fe. 
Brandi Polanco – House District 36
Its Brandi's faith and family that motivates her to serve. She believes in liberty, freedom, and Constitutional values, and wants to bring more representation to her district. 
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