a thread of my Jonny Toews as puppies tweets ✨🐶
day 1 of jonny as puppies https://twitter.com/bluechcrry/status/1292583992026431488
✨🐶 https://twitter.com/bluechcrry/status/1292858078300442628
👀 https://twitter.com/bluechcrry/status/1292964763849428997
🥰 https://twitter.com/bluechcrry/status/1293215065378889729
🥺 https://twitter.com/bluechcrry/status/1293548717111418881
🐶 https://twitter.com/bluechcrry/status/1293926111349485572
🏒🦴 https://twitter.com/bluechcrry/status/1294283231148285952
(my favorite day) https://twitter.com/bluechcrry/status/1294676653973659648
😱 https://twitter.com/bluechcrry/status/1295027368898236422
protective jonny https://twitter.com/bluechcrry/status/1295323392938254336
🦦 https://twitter.com/bluechcrry/status/1295733484607221760
day 12 of jonny as puppies (but this time w kaner because this picture makes me smile, and i think we all need some hugs and happiness rn) ✨💖
day 13 of jonny as puppies 🧢
day 14 of jonny as puppies except he’s a frowny otter 😡
day 15 of jonny as puppies (who am i kidding, this has become a jonny as otters thread) 🐶🦦
day 16 of jonny as puppies 🐟
day 17 of jonny as puppies except it’s actually patrick again
this game is boring, so here’s shawsy as a puppy (putting it in the jonny thread tbh)
(i clearly have nothing going on) Ovi as baguette 🥖
day 18 of jonny as puppy: canada jonny 🍁🇨🇦
day 19 of jonny as puppies 🏒
day 20 of jonny as... cute animals 🦦🎸
(i know it doesn’t match perfectly, but i couldn’t resist)
day 21 of jonny as puppies and he’s actually a puppy!! 😎
day 22 of jonny (& patrick) as puppies 🦸🏼‍♂️
day 23 of jonny as puppies (ft. oshie)
day 24 of jonny as puppies (read as: cute animals) i know this doesn’t match, i just personally think it’s funny af
day 25 of 1988 as puppies 🐶🐶
day 26 of 1988 as puppies 😌💛
day 27 of 1988 as puppies (i promise this is the last one like this)
2 today, feeling generous 😉💛
day 28 of 1988 as puppies 😎
same energy
day 29 of jonny as puppies 🥇
day 30 of jonny as puppies 😋
day 31 of jonny as puppies 👨‍🍳
day 32 of jonny as puppies but it’s actually princess peekaboo 🤴🏼
i mean... might as well put this here https://twitter.com/bluechcrry/status/1304195173556146176
day 33 of jonny as puppies 💚🤎
day 34 of jonny as puppies 🤵
day 35 of jonny as puppies 🤭
day 36 of jonny as puppies but this time it’s kaner con un sombrero (shhhh it’s the same hat, ok) 🤠
day 37 of jonny as puppies but this time, in honor of last night’s stars win, it’s tyler seguin instead 🌟💚
bonus content: seggy w/ baby gerry (🔊)
day 38 of jonny as puppies bring us surf/wakeboard puppy!! 🏄‍♂️
day 39 of nhlers as puppies: sharpy was feeling left out 🤵
day 40 of nhlers as puppies!! it’s sharpy again 🥰😎
day 41 of nhlers as puppies. this one is pat in honor of his being blackhawk of the year 🥰
day 42 bringing us jonny with puppies instead of as puppies 🐶
day 43 of nhlers as puppies: patty scream edition
day 44 of jonny as puppies (thought this was appropriate) 🍅
day 45 of nhlers as puppies: hALP edition feat. showtime
someone tell me if this pic is real. my brain is saying fake, but it’s getting added to the thread anyway ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
day 46 of nhlers as puppies: svech with kitties edition 🐱🐈
day 47 of nhlers as... not puppies cuz this time it’s bunny rabbit patrick 🐰 (creds to @kanedomain for the pic)
day 48 of nhlers as cute animals: sid as a puppy holding puppies edition 🦮🌼
he’s too cute 🥺 it’s going in the thread — i don’t make the rules
day 49 of nhlers as puppies: back to 1988 ☺️
day 50 of jonny as puppies (hELP IDK Y THIS MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD)
day 51 of 1988 as puppies 🧣🧤 (y’all dk how long it took to find a pic of them both in beanies, they always wear them alone)
day 52 of jonny as puppies: murphy does this to make herself laugh edition 👔
day 53 of comparing jonathan toews to small, cuddly animals 🦔🦔
day 54 brings us the duality of connor mcdavid: a story in 3 parts 🤵(part 1)
day 55 brings us the duality of connor mcdavid: part 2
day 56 and it’s the duality of connor mcdavid part 3! 🍊😎 #bestforlast
(bonus content) my man... i don’t think that’s how you’re supposed to hold one of those
day 57 brings us patrick the hamster 🐹 courtesy of @bigasstoews
day 58 of jonny as puppies and it’s actually jonny!! (i missed him)
day 59 of hockey boys as small animals: in honor of our newest baby blackhawk, we have lukas reichel as smiley pup
day 60 of nhlers as cute animals: 💛 ;P patty edition cuz we love you, kaner
day 61 of nhlers as fluffy animals: patrick as a panda edition 🐼
bonus association: more hamster patrick 🐹
day 62 of nhlers as cute animals: jonny toews as a pretentious kitty cat 🐈
day 63 brings us kuby as eine kleine kuh 🥺🐮🐂 (shh i just like the german word for cow better)
day 64 of nhlers as cute animals: i realized the great mitch marnie had yet to make the thread... so 🐈😺🍁
day 65 is jonny and stromer because i’m scared 🥺🐱🐶
look what @overpowerplay just tagged me in!!! guys he’s so soft 🥺🐻 so naturally i am adding it to the thread (hope you don’t mind @whytimmy_ ) https://twitter.com/fatimashabbir_/status/1316120145576615936
day 66 of nhlers as cute animals, starring one pouty patrick kane 🦦🦦
day 67 of nhlers as lil animals: same dumb cute energy edition 😁🐮
day 68 and it’s the incongruity for me 💪 totally gonna pretend this is in the spirit of spooky season 🎃👻🦸‍♂️
two today because... i lied, i don’t actually have a reason
day 69 of nhlers as cute animals: who wore it better? peeksy vs. bunny edition 🐰🐇 (for those wondering... yes, yes i did give the bunny a mullet)
day 70 of nhlers as cute animals: in honor of 🎃spooky season👻 we have cahtah haht as little black cat with wings 🐱🥺
day 71 of nhlers as puppers brings us tired looking 👑 henrik (his energy matches mine rn) 😴
oh captain my [graceful] captain! 🐶🐕(i’m cackling)
day 72 of nhlers as cute animals: andrei says, “hi” 🤪
day 73 of nhlers as cute animals... there’s something a little fishy about this edition 🐟🐶
day 74 of nhlers as cute animals is dedicated to the wkh 24/7 gc for sharpy ✨floof✨ appreciation
and... since it’s such a special day, we’ve got two editions!!
thanks for the content, marnie ✨💛
day 75 of nhlers as cute animals featuring gabe the babe: ballet princess edition 👸🏼🎀🩰
day 76 of nhlers as cute animals: feat. happy barzy as a happy puppy 😛🐶
tomorrow i’ll cry about having no content, but today!!! have these cute boys 🥰
day 77 of nhlers as small animals: vrana got a bit hungry on the ice 🏒
bonus content 🐶
day 78 of nhlers as puppies: today we have ✨floof✨ — the pkane edition 🐩🐕
day 79 of nhlers as puppies (shhh this picture makes me laugh) 🐶🐶🐶
🥺🐶 sO SMOL
day 80 of jonny as... animals: Anyway-
day 81 of nhlers as cute animals: same energy. exact. same. energy. ⚡️⚡️
day 82 of jonny as puppies feat. snow jonny!! ❄️🐶 in honor of my current weather
my current weather, for reference
🥺 they’re trying to kill me. also, happy birthday, little lettuce!! 🥬🥬 https://twitter.com/Avalanche/status/1322187753925320705
day 83 of nhlers as cute animals: our little lettuce 🥬 had his birthday very recently 🥳
day 84 of nhlers as puppies: (day late but) tiny puppy and tiny kaner in batman costumes 🎃👻
day 85 of nhlers as puppies: it has come to my attention that i have been SleEPing on mr. duncan ‘duncs’ keith (a tragedy), so i’m here to rectify that ❄️
day 86 of nhlers as puppies: i don’t handle stress well, so i’m handling it by staring at patrick kane all day ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ join me but also... #VOTE #VoteHimOut
day 87 of nhlers as puppies: patrick with his tongue out (again) 🐶
day 88 of nhlers as puppies: feat. 3 of my fav Canadian boys 🥇🥇🥇🇨🇦😌
day 89 of nhlers as puppies: part one (the picture may be low quality, but the content is off the charts)
part two: 😌 this is me pretending to be patient while i wait for election results
day 90 of nhlers as cute animals brings us mitch marner & kitty cat as PA, GA, and NV rn
day 91 of nhlers as cute animals: ladies and gentlemen, i give you tyler seguin 🐼🎋
day 92 of nhlers as cute animals: connor mcdavid — once an otter, always an otter 🦦🦦
day 93 of nhlers as cute animals: intimidation edition 😤 this one’s for my wkh24/7 pals
day 94 of nhlers as puppies: 👸🏼👸🏼👑👑💅🏻💅🏻
day 95 of nhlers as puppies: y’all wanna give my boy a hand? 🐕
day 96 of nhlers as small animals: elias pettersson standing like a cat 🐈‍⬛
day 97 of nhlers as baby animals: jeff skinner, waiting for christmas like 🎄🥺
day 98 of nhlers as baby animals: sid + 🌸 sleepy time 😴
day 99 of nhlers as cute animals: patty kane as the puppy emoji 🐶🐶, courtesy of @thathockey_
PLS this was too good to not add to the thread https://twitter.com/goaliemaple/status/1328458606065422339
to the thread it goes 🐹 https://twitter.com/coldbrewins/status/1328473090494443520
it’s day 100 of jonny as puppies, and it only seems fitting that it actually be jonny today! this one’s for @v_ronnie22 💛💛
since it is such a momentous day (really didn’t think i’d make it this far) we are of course having a second part! jonny: bad boy edition 🏍⛓💣🖤
day 101 of jonny as small animals and... 🦎
day 102 of jonny as puppies: as per usual tho... not actually a puppy 🦦🦦 a sea puppy(?)
and... since it’s his birthday 🥳 and he really is the 🐐. part 2 pkane, same energy.
day 103 of jonny as small animals: 🐻🐻 confused boys on roads edition 🚦
day 104 of jonny as small animals: christmas is coming & even the pandas are ready 🐼🎄☃️
y’all already know... to the thread 🧵🎀🐶 https://twitter.com/blackhawkeytown/status/1329893295422660608
day 105 of jonny as small animals: sea life edition 🦭
day 106 of jonny as animals: ... i don’t really have anything so say. just look 🦫
day 107 of jonny as (goofy) animals: i do it for the serotonin, i’m sorry 🐎🐴
day 108 of jonny as cute animals 🦛🦛🌊
day 109 of nhlers as small animals: the energy is the same 🍁🍂🦃🥧
day 110 of jonny as puppies: cozy toewsy 🧣🐶
day 111 of jonny as small animals: cozy toewsy 2.0, kitty cat edition 🐈❄️🧶
day 112 of jonny as small animals: 🐱👀
day 113 of jonny as puppies: i’m sad so, jonny is sad 😔
day 114 of jonny as animals: you’re welcome
day 115 of jonny as puppies: this is jonathan toews, captain of the chicago blackhawks, and he is a dumb boy but we love him anyway
just gonna attach this whole thread to the thread cuz why not ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ https://twitter.com/tbhabhi/status/1333979040269516802
day 116 of jonny as puppies: 📸 lemme take a selfie edition
day 117 of jonny as small animals: 🪐💫🧚‍♀️🧚✨🍃🌼 pixie dream kitten edition
pls peruse this most important thread 🦝🦝 https://twitter.com/tbhabhi/status/1335051756691025920
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