So Manafort's buddy, "Russian intelligence officer" Konstantin Kilimnik, tweets under the pseudonym @/PBaranenko ... interesting, interesting, let's see who/what he's tweeting... ah, hmm, surprising.
Just the "Russian intelligence officer" to whom Manafort "sought to secretly share" what USA Today describes as "sensitive internal polling data from the Trump campaign" tweeting out (and to) the neighborhood kids...
I think we found his fav-fav. The Russian intelligence officer who collaborated with Manafort apparently agrees that there wasn't a big influence operation and that Manafort probably wasn't involved in anything dirty... there are so many of these...
No influence operation here... these guys were just out here disproving Russian intelligence officers doing things like spreading disinformation on Twitter dot com using sock puppet accounts. courage comes in so. many. forms.
Remember, if you think that Russian intelligence is supporting efforts to downplay their efforts or operationalize illiberal left-wing resentment, you're a McCarthyite. Just remember that. But what's all this about the White Helmets?
So the Russian intelligence officer who received sensitive polling data from Manafort did share Max Blumenthal and Mark Ames's reckless conspiracy theory article about me and @emmibevensee, along with White Helmets conspiracy theories and general Russiagate denial.
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