The biggest and worse microaggression you can do to your black friends is to say "Man, what happened to you, you were always the fun/safe black guy, you werent like them others"

That is the worst.

For the sake of fitting in, black people put up with alot of shit.
In many friend groups, it can be predominately white, so some blacks are trained at a early age to deal with it, but there are key words that you dont deal with...period.

But the microaggressive shit, is like cutting at someone skin and telling them not to move.
Because if I react accordingly, it wasnt the issue that caused it, its because Im a "angry black man/woman".

The default insult into these bullying tactics to to regress the black person as a animal, and not what cause the outburst.
So to de-escalate, we sit there, in pain as you tell us "Heh heh, smile bro, we cant see you in this dark room"

We choke that pain down so you will accept us as one of you own, but in reality, you never accepted them in your friend group.
So now, we folks finally, finally had enough, we never changed.

We are just tired of it all and can see now that the passive aggressive racist bullying is exactly what it always was.

Nobody is standing for that shit anymore.
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