Chalupa’s Animal Farm-Why Blacks need to toss the skinny white Antifa terrorist

History will remember this as Brennan’s insurgency. The outgoing CIA director beefed up a domestic insurgent movement with foreign fighters on behalf of the Obama-Biden admin 
What is happening with Antifa today is a result of an Obama Biden coup upon America. They formed this insurgency, with ties to Germany and ultra-nationalists in Ukraine and the ultra-nationalist Ukrainian Diaspora in the USA. #Antifa
🚨Huge 🚨

There’s a reason why this revolution shifted away from Minneapolis to Seattle and Portland. This is where the majority of John Brennan’s foreign fighters are located in the US.

A large chunk of the $391 mil Trump was accused of withholding from Ukraine goes through Dimitry Yarosh’s office in charge of volunteer militias. Pravy Sektor’s thank you to the US was to fill the ranks of the Obama-Biden coup insurgency at Seattle which is near Portland.
Since Antifa is part of an insurgency ground force with provable foreign government representation and foreign insurgents from terrorist groups, Antifa and BLM have walked away from Constitutional protections and their recourse isn’t in the Geneva Conventions.
#antifa #blm
The Pirate Party in Germany is both the leader of Antifa and the political representation for Antifa in Germany. You read that right. Antifa’s political representation is in Europe.
Antifa, BLM, and other groups were brought in to create a funnel catching disenfranchised people from across the spectrum bringing them under one umbrella for the IO coup project. This is how the manpower problem for sedition was tackled. Started with the Inauguration in 2017.
The city of Seattle sat by for an entire month while a German nationalist political party took over a few blocks of US soil without even a whimper. Why were proxy soldiers from Utzer’s German-controlled group allowed to illegally arm themselves?
#chad #antifa #blacklivesmatter
Wasserman, a US-Ukrainian OUN Propornot member, taught Ukrainian punisher veterans Eng so the transition to US would be possible under the still in Aug 2020 Obama-Clinton State Dept.
US-Ukrainian OUN Propornot member, Wasserman, was one of many that went over after Brennan’s visit to Ukraine in Nov 2016 to prepare the way for experienced murderers to come to the US under the Dreamer Act.
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