Needs assessments calculate how much housing you need at what prices, sizes, & locations, to ensure that everyone has an adequate home - see NHS Act. It should underpin EVERY housing strategy – at fed, p/t, and city levels. @ottawacity does not have one:
Better strategies – like @CityofVancouver- provide need at all income levels – from very poor to rich. This helps clarify targets & mechanisms. Vancouver’s median hh income (AMI) 2016 is low by Can standards - $65,000 – income categories are approx. 20%, 50%, 80%, 120%, 200%
So Step 1: Start with AMI, b/c that helps set who can afford what. Ottawa is a rich city: almost $86,000 AMI, as compared to Can av of $70,000 (Montreal is $50,000). CMHC says av rent in Ottawa is $1,302, which is affordable to mod income hh (80% AMI).
Step 4: What is deficit? Even with a CERB of $2,000/mo, how many available apts are there at, say, $800/mo? We know that from 2011-16, for every 1 subsidized home created 2011-16, 15 affordable units were lost. WE HAVE A HUGE DEFICIT OF LOW-COST HOMES.
Back to @ottawacity. Let’s get real with a # like 100,000 homes by 2030, mostly low-rent (to address huge deficit & pop growth). Meanwhile, speculative investors are scooping up low-rent homes, which has led to (cap time) INCREASED HOMESSLESSNESS
So Solution 1: Prioritize lowest-income hhs for intervention. Don’t return homeless people to streets/ encampments. That requires a govt acquisition strategy for hotels, commercial properties, rooming houses, etc. Ontario and Can, follow BC Housing lead!
Solution 2: stop affordable housing hemorrhage. Continued ban on evictions. All suitable govt land free to non-profit dvmt. Why non-profit? Because that makes the biggest difference to rents, esp long term– see p. 72 of this meta evaluation report
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