There was an active campaign to make Plandemic 2, a video sharing misinfo about the coronavirus, go viral today. The first video had over 8 mill views, and this one has potential to go bigger.
But we are seeing some aggressive steps by Facebook to stop the video from spreading:
When Plandemic 2 was released at 10am PST, the directors used parts of the first Plandemic video as a promo/intro. Because Facebook had already fact-checked the first video and found inaccuracies, it could immediately apply a warning label to Plandemic 2.
(Normally, it takes Facebook hours/days to get a video fact checked. Precious time in which videos can go viral and be viewed by millions).
Now Facebook is labelling the video as spam when people try to upload it to Facebook. Again, this is new and we haven't see Facebook act this quickly before.
What will be interesting is to see whether the video still gets traction on YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, and other sites. Until now, experts believe that Facebook has been a major vector for these kinds of videos gaining and audience and being shared widely.
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