"So the moon loved him so much he dies every night to let him shine."

#GuardianWeek2020 #zhenhun
DAY 6 MYTHOLOGY--Shen Wei as Bulan/Libulan from the Filipino Myth of Libulan and Sidapa--The Moon God and his lover the God of the Underworld. (more of the story on the thread)
Inspired by the Filipino Myth of of the moon god Bulan whose beauty enamored the heart of the god of the underworld Sidapa who lives up in the mountains. Despite many rivals for the heart of the moon god, it is Sidapa who managed to catch the attention of the elusive (contd)
moon god. One night, the moon god descended from the heavens and in the mountains to meet Sidapa. There the god of the underworld showered him with songs and words of love.
Later, Sidapa rescued Bulan from the moon devouring dragon Bakunawa whisking him away to the safety of Sidapa's mountains. From then on, the two became lovers and lived in peace in the mountains in each other's embrace.
After researching this folklore, I would want everyone to be informed that Libulan and Sidapa is NOT an original folklore of the people of Bicol, Philippines.
I apologize for this mistake (contd)
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