Okay. Okay. Okay. So.

I have an 1890s vaudeville/burlesque act to share with you all because somewhere on the internet there was a tweet about the Edwardian version of WAP.

And this is tragically my area of expertise.
In the 1890s, there was a Danish act that hit the Folies Bergere. They were called The Barrison Sisters.

And yes. They were actually sisters, I had to double check though because YOU NEVER KNOW IN THAT PARTICULAR ERA.
Sometimes it's a Boston Marriage situation.

Closets are complicated!

Anyway. The Barrison Sisters WERE IN FACT RELATED.
So, they'd come out on stage in their costumes.

And let me tell you. The hats were ridiculous.

White dresses, Black stockings (ooh LEGS).

They'd ask the audience a question after a little bit of a routine.
What question?

"Do you want to see my pussy?"

See. This is where the WAP connection comes in. Isn't it fun?

The audience, of course, wants to see. The audience says yes.
Aaaaaaand the Barrison Sisters raise their skirts!

To reveal!
Because the 1890s were many things.

But above a good pun they were not!

Welcome to the history of burlesque.

It is both as sexy and risqué as you think, and sometimes it’s like this
In case you were wondering:

Yes this is what I spent my grad school years on.
Here is a photo of the Barrison Sisters, their pussies, and their extremely silly hats.
UK National Archives.

I miss this line of work.
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