A quick thread on cold emailing VCs for fundraising https://twitter.com/Contextify1/status/1295541547342020609
Do it if you're fundraising.

Don't do it if you're not fundraising.

Timebox your fundraise and create urgency.

Email should be:

1. short (3-4 sentences plus hello and thank you)
2. full of numbers (preferably: revenue, # of customers, check size you're looking for)
3. As customized as possible - namedrop their portfolio co's, especially those that could appear to be competitors

You want to draw interest, not complete the full pitch.

A happy middleground is to attach a 'teaser deck' - maybe 6-8 slides

Use a mailsending service that tracks link clicks - you can A/B test the subject, email copy, and deck name to see what works

Every investor reads their email.

Some firms may pantomime that warm intros are required, but they're not.

General preference:

1. Intro from your customer who knows VC
2. Intro from VC's portco founder
3. Intro from existing investor VC likes
4. Cold email
5. Everything else
* email someone at the firm you don't want on your board
* use big lists and mass campaigns. They are very easy to spot
* send a calendly and expect a meeting. You'll likely have some Q&A back and forth over email
* ever include numbers you can't back up

Some successful cold email examples:

Noam Chomsky

Mark Cuban

Chris Sacca even gives advice on cold emailing him pitches

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