The resistance of the Venezuelan people is a great wave of dignity, before the conscience of the world, the achievements sown by their revolution cannot be silenced. Informational thread ⬇
The Hugo Chávez Plan for the eradication of hunger and poverty was an example of a successful experience for the region. Nicolás Maduro receives an FAO award for the fight against hunger for the Venezuelan BR.
Venezuela is facing one of the most genocidal blockades in the history of mankind, this blockade meant the loss of 350,000 million dollars in the production of goods and services between 2013 and 2017.
To get an idea of ​​the criminal siege that Venezuela is suffering, we must remember the blockade and economic sanctions against Iraq in the 1990s, a campaign that killed more than 500,000 Iraqi children due to disease and malnutrition.
2 million 621,703 social housing units have been awarded throughout the Venezuelan territory, in countries like the United States, meanwhile thousands of families are evicted from their homes for non-payment. More houses have been created than in the Germany out of World War 2.
Venezuela has one of the best educational systems in the world, having created 69 public universities, 45 were founded since the arrival of Commander Chávez, 75 percent of education in Venezuela is public.
37 million books are given free to the teaching of students, as well as the distribution of more than four million backpacks, school kits and footwear.
During the Bolivarian Revolution, 590 comprehensive community health areas and 6,712 clinics have been established in the neighborhoods. The United States did not like that either, in 2017 Citibank blocked the payment for Insulin. EUROCLEAR blocks 1,650 mill. $ in medications.
The Action Plan for the eradication of hunger and poverty Hugo Chávez allocates part of the financing of the long-term debt for the sale of oil at low cost to the Caribbean countries to finance their own food programs. This is how Haiti remembers Chávez.
Africa and Venezuela A single fight. The solidarity of the Bolivarian revolution to train thousands of African students for free.
About 2 million Americans in 25 states have the warmth of Venezuelan solidarity PETROBRONX would be born, made up of 34 social institutions, through which aid was distributed aimed not only to guarantee heating in the harsh winter, but to promote other initiatives social.
Not only families, but also 252 Native American communities and 245 homeless shelters have benefited from the solidarity assistance that received special importance in 2012, when the then US President Barack Obama cut his heating aid programs by 25%..
The spirit widens when we feel the humanity and dignity of Venezuela, bright and high as the stars, we are going to distribute it on a fiery orchid to never forget it. Venezuela is the anti-imperialist struggle of all the peoples of the world.
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