There is an economic war being prosecuted against American workers through global wage arbitrage. The U.S. economy was hijacked & by globalists when Reagan ascended to power and broke the backs of organized labor. Successive administrations have proceeded apace.
It was executed by the BOTH corporate (they're corporations) political parties reaching peak treachery under Clinton. His administration unshackled monopoly finance through t/repeal of Glass-Steagall, ended limits on foreign & consolidated media (control the narrative) & telecom.
He did the mass immigration version of tariff reductions, stripping U.S industry ass-naked b4 putting it on the pole for de-industrialization & "global competition" (WTO); which was really the ownership class divesting of U.S. industrial preeminence for cheap Asian labor.
It was decided that developing nations would not be brought up to the living standards of The U.S., ours would be averaged down. Pinky & The Brain shit, "We're gonna take over the world!" Wall Street's orgy still hasn't ended. The capitalist's motto: "get big or merge trying."
No Economic Sector Left Behind- The corporate and professional sectors would not be left behind. They got into the global labor arbitrage game through outsourcing professional and technical processes; India was the designated beneficiary. Americans trained the replacement killers
Knocking the teeth out of organized labor & fierce political defense of unlivable wages, deindustrialization and Business Process Outsourcing have eliminated whole classes of para and professional class jobs. All of these POLITICAL acts have maintained downward pressure on wages
The American worker is being force-fed to the rapacious appetite of global industry & capital by corporations that have captured The U.S. Government. They're winning the "fight for $15" because there are people lined up to do the work cheaper. Labor Arbitrage middle finger up!
What about Americans who have had real wage stagnation since the 1970's?: CREDIT! We'll finance their middle class dreams so they can have the pretense of middle class life and we'll earn interest in their pursuits. Debt & wage slavery, much?
What about their children? Student Loans as we chip away at spending on public education, and particularly at public universities to the point that students now pay 75% of the total cost of their education; the inverse was historically true. More sex at the banker's orgy.
These same students, especially those without outlets, networks or familial wealth must compete not only with their countrymen, but hyper-competitive immigrants here and abroad (labor arbitrage, remember?) twice-over - for a competitive wage *and* to keep their job in America.
What if you're ADOS? You were declared and left for dead when Clinton assassinated you. They knew that we would be the most negatively impacted by divestment in U.S. manufacturing. Their response: build more prisons.
Build more prisons is *This* THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT'S response to the ASSESSED & DOCUMENTED impact to ADOS. Joe Biden was in Congress, and we *had* a Congressional "Black" Congress. Birth of the school to prison pipeline. #ThisIsAmerica, and we're *still* up from slavery.
Overlaying all this for ados are endemic employment discrimination, unchecked illegal immigration, the massive escalation of immigrant work visas, topped w/ a heaping of political indifference. Plus, welfare reform & adding more fuel tanks to the prison industrial complex tankers
Labor arbitrage. Thanks to the good ol' 13th Amendment, we can sentence primarily black men to prison *as* labor at or below sharecropper wages. #LineageMatters. We can also re-distribute them nationwide to max our corporate prison profits to balance capacity & maximize yields.
Those who *do* avoid this fate and attain higher education will do so saddled with debt due to lack of existing or familial wealth to pay for it, not be educated, trained or prepared to return to their communities & apply what they've learned toward solving their challenges.
We'll charge 'em for the privilege to learn how to work, never to rule -and to do so for us, while we pay them an order of magnitude less as they pay off education debt for degrees they will most likely never maximally use. Perpetually on t/bubble for displacement or replacement.
#SurplusLabor since #Reconstruction. As American workers, ADOS have been the most impacted & extracted from people in the American globalists' game. We are not just collateral damage, we were marked for death.
Labor arbitrage goes to Washington, and it's running for President. #ClydeJoeBiden & #BonneKamalaHarris. The Republicans are unindicted co-conspirators, as they've never met an employer employing illegal immigrants that they didn't thank for their service. Hammer down on wages.
The Biden/Harris immigration & immigrant visa agenda will squeeze American workers across the spectrum. Their policies will maintain downward pressure on wages & ensure there are enough people here to subvert a rise in the minimum wage, should it ever come to pass.
Ain't nobody safe! ADOS absorbed the labor cost of neutering organized labor (which was organized against us), deindustrialization, outsourcing, illegal immigrant workers, immigrant work visa holders and endemic employment discrimination as white workers have to be protected!
Globalism & labor arbitrage are the common threads that have decimated the ADOS working class, induced mass incarceration, diversion of public education & services away from our communities and have dispossessed us of habitation. Again, the Congressional Black Caucus existed.
Immigrants are playing the labor arbitrage game, willingly. America is the premier labor market, Not just for the advantages of higher currency valuation, but also because there is lax employment law enforcement. Under the table is lit here, y'all!!
So, where you work at? Where you gon' work in a post-Covid-19 re-structured economy? While we're out looking for Lysol, this economy is being restructured. Whole sectors of the economy are being transformed or are disappearing. All these workers, and y'all want $15/ hr.?
Labor arbitrage has ensured that there is no overall or ADOS specific national employment policy. No specific investments in U.S. manufacturing, complex work processes cause, India! Certainly no restorative justice economic policy for nailing ADOS to the cross of globalism.
Labor Arbitrage is knocking on the door to The Oval, and it wants ADOS to open the door with our vote.

Kind reminder: self preservation is the first law of nature! #ADOS #Reparations
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