On Aug 18, 1920, women in the US gained the right to vote but women like my Oceti Sakowin (Dakota/Lakota Sioux) grandmothers & great grandmothers weren't granted citizenship until 1924 & all Natives in the US couldn't vote until 1962. Native voter suppression is still widespread.
The Voting Rights Act of 1965 helped to secure voting rights for many Natives, but the Supreme Court invalidated a section in 2013 (Shelby County v. Holder), diminishing Natives equal access to the ballot in AK, AZ & in 2 jurisdictions in SD with large Native populations.
Natives voter suppression includes requiring Natives living on Reservations to have residential addresses on IDs. When ND did this many Reservations didn't have street addresses. It affected the result of a 2016 ND senate race, unseating a Dem who was elected by the Native vote.
Another means of Native voter suppression is the sudden removal of polling locations. As it is, Reservations are often very rural & impoverished. People may not have transportation. Montana Natives have had to sue over having to travel 90 miles to vote.
Today the Native vote is targeted because we have real power, even in deep red states. We've elected people to Congress & helped determine who controls it. You can often find Reservations on voting maps because we are the blue counties in a sea of red. http://www.ncai.org/initiatives/campaigns/NCAI_NativeVoteInfographic.pdf
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