Monk Mode - The secret to success

Lately, I've been seeing some tweets talking about Monk Mode and the benefits but I haven't seen anyone talking about how to get started with Monk Mode and identify what you're going to be improving.

This thread is going to help you do just that.
Monk Mode is one of the greatest tools for making massive leaps in personal growth and obliterating your competition.

It's about eliminating distractions from your life both social and personal and then filling your schedule with things that make you a better human.
Monk Mode is not for the faint of heart.

It requires sacrifice, discipline, and an obsession with legitimately improving your life.

I'm talking about a commitment to at least 3 months of intentionally focused living and honestly, you should be aiming for 6+ months.
Okay, now you have a general idea of what Monk Mode is.

It's time to grab a pen and piece of paper because this one is short, sweet, and very actionable.

Do you want to change your life?

Here's the recipe to doing it, and doing it fast.

Easy? No.

Efficient? Fuck yes.
First what you’re going to do is you’re going to do a bit of introspection.

Write down these two questions and answer them in list format.

1. What do I dislike about myself/life?
2. What do I waste my time on?
Now If you actually did the above then you're already 50% of the way there.

You're going to take the list of things you dislike about yourself/your life and you're going to create a solution for each problem.

Note this is the hard part.
For example, if you say " I don't earn enough money."

What is the solution to that problem for you?

I'm not gonna hold your hand for all of this, figure it out yourself.

Hint - Learning a high ROI skill. How do you do that?
At this point, if you've actually invested your time in writing down solutions to some of the things you don't like.

Now you just need to start replacing your negative habits.

- Netflix for Learning a new skill
- Jerking off for Reading
- Video games for Fitness

Thanks to COVID, your social life is most likely fairly dead already and so entering Monk Mode is easier than ever before.

Optimize your time and do it ruthlessly, this is where you make massive personal gains.

It's not the easiest but the rewards you reap are monumental.
Okay, that's it.

A short but extremely actionable thread.

Monk Mode is one of the greatest ways to make your dream life real if you're willing to make the sacrifice and remain disciplined.

Take responsibility and watch your whole life change.

Stay Hungry. Stay Blessed.

You can follow @MindsetUpgrade.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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